R.I.P. Les Paul

When you break your arm so bad that it'll be virtually immobile, and you have it reset in a position that only allows you to play guitar, that's when you know you're incredible. Amazing guy, rest in peace.
According to wikipedia he also invented overdubbing, delay effects and phasing effects. So you could say that he contributed a *slight* amount to todays recording techniques.
I remember seeing a video of Les Paul playing in the early 60's i think, and he has this amazing guitar with lots of switches and knobs.
And he hits one of the knobs and start playing a rythm, and then he switches the knob of and stop playing, and then turn up a knob and the rythm part he just played comes on!
And then he hits another switch and puts a melody line on it and do the same thing, so he has a rythm and a melody.. so now he starts to improvise over that, and while he is improvising he starts to tweak around with other switches and knobs on there, giving him reverb and chorus effects etc.. amazing that he did that in the 60's.

(I tried to find it on youtube with no success.)
I remember seeing a video of Les Paul playing in the early 60's i think, and he has this amazing guitar with lots of switches and knobs.
And he hits one of the knobs and start playing a rythm, and then he switches the knob of and stop playing, and then turn up a knob and the rythm part he just played comes on!
And then he hits another switch and puts a melody line on it and do the same thing, so he has a rythm and a melody.. so now he starts to improvise over that, and while he is improvising he starts to tweak around with other switches and knobs on there, giving him reverb and chorus effects etc.. amazing that he did that in the 60's.

(I tried to find it on youtube with no success.)

This one ?

R.I.P. Les

wow. innovators like that just dont exist anymore. too bad he isnt immortal, who knows what other kinda shit this guy could have came up with?

I think this really shows us that "fitting in" or mimicking mainstream idealism's
doesnt change fuck all, and is super boring.

I really appreciate guys like les paul and leo fender for doing things that, at the time, people just didnt do.