R.I.P. Robin Williams

Wtf just read, you never expect someone like him to die, let alone take his own life

Whenever I hear a celebrity like him takes his own life I assume it could be because of some incoming untreatable disease or something with no solution.
Whenever I hear a celebrity like him takes his own life I assume it could be because of some incoming untreatable disease or something with no solution.

A disease like extreme bipolar depression? Because that's literally what happened.

I'm going to have to avoid social media for the next week or two, I can't handle all the armchair psychologists and "it gets better!"-chanters.
It's hard to get through a news feed without this popping up. I'd say it's about a 30% split toward non-Robin Williams topics today, and 20% of those are about that MMA guy beating up his porn star girlfriend.
Not good. He was not that old and I really enjoyed some of his movies and his real person. I am not into comedies, well at least movies but his stand up comedy was really funny.
It's pretty common actually for comedians to have depression.
I didn't mean that he had depression but that being someone in his position, having achieved so much and done so well at his art, being so well regarded and celebrated for his work, he decided life wasn't worth living.