racial profiling/ terrorists/ NYC


Feb 4, 2002
So here in NYC everybody is up in arms worried sick that what happened in London can happen here. The whole world ( thanks to 911) knows this is a possibility. So Police officers are checking bags of commuters to make sure nobody has a brick of C4 or some type of biological weapon stuffed down in there backpacks or briefcases. The ACLU had a press conference saying how this will lead to racial profiling (which it does) and infringes upon our civil liberties. I believe in this case racial profiling should be aloud even though NYPD claims they won't do such a thing. I figure most terrorists (In the U.S) are of Middle Eastern decent so isn’t that what the cops should be looking for?? If the terrorists were mostly Chinese, black, Hispanic or a white boy like me I want those races of people profiled as well. It seams like the ACLU has always got to find someone to bitch about even when that said person is in the right. Please discuss I value some of your opinions and want to hear what you think... On a further note if you have nothing to hide why not let a cop look in your bag at the very least to ease the minds of those around you.
I'm across the water in Jersey and where I work, we overlook downtown NYC. I agree that this is going to lead to racial profiling but one paper, Daily News or Post, dnot know which, had a cover story with a cop looking through a guy's bag and he looked white to me. I think that they are going to check everyone's bags if not for any other reason but so that no one can bitch that the cops are racially profiling. I don't care if anyone looks in my bag. They look at my bags when I go to a concert, to the courthouse, to MSG to watch wrestling, when you go on an airplane, whatever. Its no different.

I just read NJ bus commuters will be randomly searched as well as Conneticut train riders.


P.S. As Anthrax says: "Fucking is so much better than war."
Again it's very easy now for NYPD to work on all kinds of felonies since cops don't have to bother with search warrants anymore. Terrorists don't need to blow up subway to create chaos (that what I think they are trying to accomplish), they can fucking drive to the middle of Brooklyn Bridge and blow themselves and everybody else up around them. The fuckers are suicidal, remember? So these searches are just another bullshit, same as the resent searches for the weapons of mass destruction.
Ragamuffin said:
Everyone thinks racial profiling should be allowed when they're not the race being profiled.

Yeah, being profiled for just having a similar skintype and bonestructure to a profile of an extremist/criminal feels a bit like being dissected.

Of course the terrorists want this to happen so they can point out how oppressive and corrupt the west is. On the other hand, what the fuck do they know about all the well-being of muslims (and us godless), when it´s ok to kill a couple of them a week to keep the rest in line.
i think it's silly. if the police do enforce extra package searches, it is an incovenience. but i don't see the need for the aclu to be all up in arms. i've had to deal with the extra security at the airports since 9/11. i commute on a regular basis by airplane. what am i suppossed to do not go to work ??? just deal with it and quit cryin'!
I've been the subject of racial profiling a few times where I live, and I really can't blame them. In my city, a lot of black teenage males steal, so if I go into a store and some security guard see's me and has a less than happy look on their face, I take a deep breath and just go about my business. I know I might be watched, and I don't even dress like the profile. But hey, other than that, I do fit the profile.

I worked at an Music Store for over a year, and at the one I worked at, we HAD to do racial profiling. Why? The fact of the matter was this; the Latin Music section where I worked was getting CD's taken on a nearly daily basis. Every time a group of Latin Men got together and went to one spot, something would wind up missing. Add on to that they rarely spoke English, and you had a serious problem. So we would follow Latino's for the most part, didn't trust them at all, and whenever we did, less things were stolen. I didn't like doing it, but those were the facts. Same for the black teenagers. They would come in as groups, and we knew they would try and steal something (Which groups would often do).

So in terms of the current situation, I hate to say it, but I think we do need to do racial profiling here. Much like prime666 said, the police could deny they're doing it, but still do it. Can we honestly agree that of all the terrorists so far connected to al-Queda, they have all been Middle Eastern men who were Muslim? It's not really likely some white guy in a suit with a brief case is going to carry a bomb on the subway on his way to his job at Rockafella Center.

So with all that said, there is the obvious problem that doing this is going to have it's drawbacks. The most obvious one is what happened in London. A Middle-Eastern man is acting suspcious and wears a heavy coat during a hot day. The police thought he was a terrorist, and understandably so. But now we know we they were wrong.
First off, aint it great to see some differing opinions without any bashing going on :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:
Now on with my post.
In light of everything that has been happening since 9/11, I think it’s hard for ppl not to start racial profiling. We all do it now. You sit on a plane/train and you watch the other passengers, you think to yourself cool no ‘whatever’ kinda ppl on here. Its not that were just looking for ‘terrorists’, were looking for ppl we think will cause us problems for whatever reason.

Look at it this way,
Listen to Heavy Metal music = Satan worshiper
Black youth = Gang member
Wearing a tracksuit = Yob (in the UK anyway)
Skinhead = Neo-Nazi
These stereotypes have been with us for a long time. We just have a new one to add to the list Muslim = terrorist.

The point I’m trying to make is that it is ingrained on us to make assumptions about our fellow man based on how they look or act. The current situation aside, its always gonna happen no matter how hard we try and change things. I’m not saying is a good thing, I don’t think it is, but no matter how hard I try I cant stop myself from doing it.
Ragman_kd said:
First off, aint it great to see some differing opinions without any bashing going on :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:
Now on with my post.
In light of everything that has been happening since 9/11, I think it’s hard for ppl not to start racial profiling. We all do it now. You sit on a plane/train and you watch the other passengers, you think to yourself cool no ‘whatever’ kinda ppl on here. Its not that were just looking for ‘terrorists’, were looking for ppl we think will cause us problems for whatever reason.

Look at it this way,
Listen to Heavy Metal music = Satan worshiper
Black youth = Gang member
Wearing a tracksuit = Yob (in the UK anyway)
Skinhead = Neo-Nazi
These stereotypes have been with us for a long time. We just have a new one to add to the list Muslim = terrorist.

The point I’m trying to make is that it is ingrained on us to make assumptions about our fellow man based on how they look or act. The current situation aside, its always gonna happen no matter how hard we try and change things. I’m not saying is a good thing, I don’t think it is, but no matter how hard I try I cant stop myself from doing it.
Italian = mobster
French = pervert
Irish = drunk
Russian = dumb commie
Puerto Rican = lazy bum
German = Hitler lover
A coupla years ago some scumbags in Queens, NY beat up an indian guy who was wearing a turban. The assholes thought he was a muslim...
Italian = mobster
French = pervert
Irish = drunk
Russian = dumb commie
Puerto Rican = lazy bum
German = Hitler lover
A coupla years ago some scumbags in Queens, NY beat up an indian guy who was wearing a turban. The assholes thought he was a muslim...
Isnt it a different turbin
Racial Profiling is a sad part of human nature, which I think Ragman was trying to say (I wouldn't want to put words in someone elses mouth), but it's when it's done by people in a position of authority and actually tramps on peoples civil rights that it becomes a problem. If you look at me, I may look like a young angry gang banging my pals, but I'm not plain and simple and there's no way in hell a cop should be able to follow me around a store or pull me over just because of how I look. Same thing with any random brown skinned cat trying to get on an airplane so he can get home and see his daughters. It's just...wrong.
Listen to Carlos Mencinia it's their time to take the shit :loco:

80s chik FYI - seriously on another note some Middle Eastern folks will look European (white)
I have seen them check some bags here and so far I haven't seen anything out of the ordinary, yet. I hope it stays that way. But the guy on the front of the paper seriously looked like a white dude to me.

Carlos Mencia is hysterical. Did you see the first episode? That is some funny shit.

If you get a chance to see the first one, you have to watch it. He does two skits that are hysterical - one is a candy bar and one is a cell phone. When you see it, you'll know.