The genre of music I listen to most is:
Immigrants are generally a drain on society.
Depends on your country and their situation/policy. If you offer free shelter and full support for them it's a drain since they'll come in and stay as freeloaders, but if you have decent policies then they can help.
Same-race marriages are preferable to interracial marriages
Who cares? (you can't see in the dark anyway

My country has too many immigrants.
Maybe a problem in some areas, I'm not really in a situation to be effected by it.
Racial profiling should be allowed.
If you're going to insist on everything being politically correct, no. If you insist on due process for child molesters and murderers, then no. If you try to operate efficiently, it may be some help with some issued, but races and religions mix. See the white kid in Harlem? He thinks like all the black people there. See the black kid in Connecticut? He thinks like all the rich white kids. This isn't meant to be stereotypical or offensive, but unless you emphasize race, the people around you will effect you more than what color your skin is.
Racial hate crimes should be punished more forcefully than those that don't involve race.
If you can efficiently tell which ones are racially motivated then sure, but around here (Connecticut/USA), anyone trying to be PC says anything done to a minority is "racially motivated". If a mexican punches me, I'm going ot punch him the same way I would to any white kid.
Your race should determine how society views your potential.
Your mind should. Unless you want someone to run spy on a KKK nudist colony, it shouldn't matter.
It is not my responsibility to concern myself with the problems of other races.
If it's a complete stranger, not my problem. If it's a friend of a different race, then I'll help. I don't care about someone's race when I help them. If someone's drowning, I'll help. If someone's whining about something little, fuck them.
Foreign criminals should be deported back to their country of origin.
Punish them however anyone would be then kick them out. Fuck spending money on sending them back under security. If they shoot someone or rape someone, put them on a boat, cruise out to international waters, then throw them there. Not happening in our country. If they deserve it, give it to them. If they do something less serious, you can punish them and let them stay.
Race is genetically determined, not socially.
depends. if you consider religion race, then no. genetic skin colors aren't always defined. not everyone is paste white or plain black. there's shading. I've known white kids with tans darker than black kids. This is another contributing factor to why this is fuckign stupid (racism and tanning

Refugees should stay in their own country and solve the problems there.
If they can be productive and contribute to our society like we do, let them. If they're freeloaders on our good will and kindness, fuck off.
My country spends too much money on Third World aid.
2 (USA)
We spend too much trying to take control of other countries, and not aiding third world countries we aren't commercializing. If we're going to help them, thne help them well and the right way. If you insist on a perfect image and political correctness, help the countries that need help from poverty and famine, not from dictators we put there. They'll hate us in a few years anyway. If you want to be self sufficient an not PC, if they don't help us back, fuck them. You don't need to try to control the world and make a few asskissers praise us at a huge expense.
Different races are naturally hostile towards each other.
Some people are naturally hostile towards other races, but not genetically related to it.
I'm proud of my racial identity
Racial Pride is pointless.
How do you feel about Rap music?
Commercialized/Mainstream rap is horrible, but underground rap can be good, although not to my taste usually.