people over 25, help me with my sociology project!

I'm such a stereotypical Virgo, too. Anal-retentive, elitist, passionate, organized, cold-hearted but loyal to the death, stubborn, argumentative, etc., etc.
Yes, you'll be skiing and dressing in tiny tight outfits well into your retirement years.

I believe in dressing appropriately to your age, so I doubt I'll wear the outfits I wear now in my late 20's again in my late 40's.
One thing's for sure though: I still get carded, I still fit into my high-school jeans, and I'm still a size 2.
Age is just a number. I don't care about my 30's :)
Not if you wear a corset throughout your life!

I keep one on my balls for that very precaution.

Oh boy! I've got some serious delusions to look forward to!

Of course, my situation is a bit different from the average person's. It's probably got a lot to do with that too.

When I was 25 I was sucking air through a gasmask in Korea. But that year was one of the most entertaining, strange, and eye-opening years of my life. I enjoyed just as many things as I hated, so I guess it really is what you make of it.
I'm not... haha!

Someone once did my astrology map and said my moon in on Pisces
and I really fit well into that sign, but again... i don't really buy that ;)

You're lucky. It's a curse. After a while you stop trying to please everyone else and just say, "Fuck it. This is me. Deal with it or fuck off."

Ironically, the military was where I was the least anal-retentive and perfectionist. I was such a laid-back guy and I still am...I just get priorities mixed up. Things that I should really be anal about I'm not, and vice versa.