people over 25, help me with my sociology project!

You're lucky. It's a curse. After a while you stop trying to please everyone else and just say, "Fuck it. This is me. Deal with it or fuck off."

Ironically, the military was where I was the least anal-retentive and perfectionist. I was such a laid-back guy and I still am...I just get priorities mixed up. Things that I should really be anal about I'm not, and vice versa.

^ hah, I can see that!! I think I'm the same way Chris, anal about certain things that are completely insignificant haha!

That's why I think Astrology is outdated BS.
It's like believing in god for me. I read it, I go: "oh wow, kinda cool"
and then I think: "wow what a buncha crap!" :lol:
I think there is a smidgeon of potential truth to it. In the same way that the gravity of the moon affects the tides, it SORT of makes sense that the positions of the celestial bodies can affect us, organic beings comprised primarily of water.

That said, there are so many personality-affecting variables which can completely trump any sort of celestial gravitational influence that, you're right, pretty much debunks the accuracy of the whole thing.

EDIT: Hahaha, holy shit, I was HERE when I was 25. I AM getting old, :lol: I was 23 in Korea. But when I was 25, I think I was in Iraq...not sucking air through a gas mask, but ducking mortars and trying not to get blown up.

It was either that or suffering intensely over a particular female I used to see in Milan who made my life absolute shit for eight months. I can't remember whether I was 25 or 26. I never realized that we as humans could be drawn so strongly towards people who are so bad for you, yet go back for more, stabwound after stabwound.
Just wait till people start telling you, "Dude, you'd look too different if you had hair."

They're just used to you looking that way for so long they don't remember what you looked like with hair, haha.
I looked (and still look) better with hair, doesn't matter if others believe differently. But I'm not paying for that Bosley shit... no guarantee it even lasts the rest of your life.
I guess I SHOULD do this.

1. I hate to admit this, because I didn't initially want to become like him, but my dad. No, it won't be any briefer.
2. 4
3. 2
4. Family.
i need to collect data and figured i could use you guys as a backup in case i can't survey enough people at work (since this thing is due at midnight tonight and i just remembered that i had to do it... this morning >.<)

i need to survey 15 people over the age of 25:

1. identify the one person who has made the most lasting impact on your life.

2. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being not at all and 5 being very much so, how much of an influence their peer group had on their lives during their school years.

3. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being not at all and 5 being very much so, how much of an influence their peer group have on their lives now.

4. Of the institutions of family, school, religion, or military which one has influenced their lives the most.

brief responses, numbers, etc. are all that i need, however feel free to go into detail if you wish. serious responses only, please.


edit: please include your first name and age just for organization purposes. thanks!

1. Mother and Father
2. 2
3. 1
4. Family
and i shall be 28 in a days time :)
shiiit, id take her over some hot barely-legal 18 year old babe any day!


(and also lol ! you made me laugh with that post :lol: :) <3 )