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It was more like Varg sent a letter bomb to Salem. Although to be fair, even though Varg is also a douche, the whole BM scene used to send letter bombs to different bands.
Varg Vikernes is a nazi fuck...and a murderer
that's one of the reasons I don't listen to Burzum or Mayhem...even though Euronymous wasn't an antisemite.
I don't listen to diessection either because of Jon Nödveidt
Actually, in Jon Nödveidt's defense, he was an accessory to murder and not the actual murderer, as far as I know anyway.
But Mayhem kicks ass though, why don't you listen to them? If you don't like Euronymous, everything after De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas has nothing to do with him. The style is completely different too. Wolf's Lair Abyss was a really good EP and was like part 1 of Grand Decleration Of War. GDOW is an avant-garde masterpiece and Chimera is really excellent black/thrash.
Blasphemer is an excellent guitar player. He is very technical in that Meshuggah kind of way. I love everything from Mayhem though, even Deathcrush.
look about Jon...it's accessory to murder what he was convicted for...no one knows exactly what happened there and the dude was only 7 years in prison out of the 10 years he got...and even those 10 years weren't enough for that kind of thing and I believe that he did something satanic to get out of it.

as for Burzum and Mayhem...I keep in mind that maybe Varg was practicing self defence and Euronimous was the one who attacked Varg...we never know if we weren't there.
In any case I stay away even from satanic bands...those people take their religion way too seriously...and musicly they can be all geniuses for all I care.

if Mikael the ålmighty from opeth was to commit murder wouldn't you ban opeth?
I don't exactly judge a band based on the personal lives of the musicians. If they do something I am against, it doesn't take away from the music. But I don't know what I would say if it was a murderer. I might feel funny about it if it was a one man project, like Burzum, but if it was a few musicians involved in the music, I don't think I should not buy the album.
The Burzum albums I got were all used, so it's not like Varg even got any money from it (it's also really expensive to buy Burzum albums new since they are all imports). I bought Emperor's In The Nightside Eclipse, but that was recorded before Faust killed that person.
Reinkaos was a promo, so I didn't pay for that.
The Absurd stuff was a burned CD I got off of eBay.
I cannot really think of too many other albums worth buying that has a murderer behind the product.

Truth is, I believe when Varg says that Euronymous was going to attack him. Varg is a racist douchbag, but I don't really think he seems like a liar. He seems too proud and egotistical to be one.
Burzum is actually not Satanic. The music is more folk and Viking inspired. Mayhem's older music was Satanic, but the later stuff is more about misanthropy and nihilism.
Don't let Mayhem's history fool you though. The whole thing was mainly around Euronymous and Varg. Hellhammer was actually against a lot of that stuff. He's not Christian, he wears a mjöllnir around his neck usually, but he respects Christianity since his parents are really religious. He even plays drums for a Christian metal band. Necrobutcher left the band before all the controversy happened and returned after it was all over. Same thing with Maniac. Blasphemer was originally a member of Aura Noir and Attila Csihar (he rejoined the band last year) was a session vocalist for Mayhem. He was originally from Tormentor.

Not all Satanic bands take their religion as seriously as you would think. In fact, most of them are like the LaVey Satanists who don't actually worship Satan. I don't know why they call it Satanism, but it's not like they do some stupid rituals like some musicians whom I won't mention *coughGlenBentonCough*.
Even if you look at a band like Mercyful Fate, their earlier lyrics were pretty graphic, but King Diamond doesn't actually go around drinking baby blood. He even says that he would never do such a terrible thing.
The Satanic aspect in the music is usually either for show, just taking anti-Christianity to another level or the LaVey kind. Very few bands actually sit around and worship a statue of Baphomet or whatever it is they believe in. If they do, then they are basically just like all the other orginized religions they bitch about and are most likely idiots.
I love Dissection, but I always make fun of Jon. I think he belongs in a funny farm more than in a prison.
I don't care about a band's religious views, it's the music that matters. But a lot of religious bands, like Stryper, Creed and POD, happen to suck major amounts of ass. I don't mind Extol, Immortal Souls, Antestor (the band Hellhammer was in) so much. I cannot really think of any Jewish bands other than Orphaned Land, who I obviously like.

But music is art. What the guy does on his own business might be fine, or he might be some crazy racist or a murderer. But it doesn't change the music. But that's my opinion. I totally understand if people would disagree with me and I respect their opinion on it.

In Opeth's case, I don't think anything could stop me from listening to them.
Metal head87 said:
But music is art. What the guy does on his own business might be fine, or he might be some crazy racist or a murderer. But it doesn't change the music. But that's my opinion. I totally understand if people would disagree with me and I respect their opinion on it.
i agree with you here

btw there is a "story" that before his death Euronymous went to a fortune teller and she said that he was going to be killed by Varg. He gets scared and goes to Varg's house and attacks him, then Varg kills him trying to defend himself. So the prophecy is fulfilled :worship:
Might sound silly but still interesting (it's a bit like the "vase" scene in Matrix though)

I don't listen to black metal at all because I can't see any band consisting of members with properly working brains... Either they are schizophreniac and believe they are servants of Satan, or are violent-natured crazy assholes trying to take "revenge" of their pagan ancestors by burning churches and shooting each other, or just idiots who try to look satanic but just look extremely gay instead. Ah and besides, I don't like the music they make.

Has anybody watched the documentary "Metal: A headbanger's Journey"? I love the interview with Gaahl from Darkthrone, it's one of the funniest things I've ever watched. Especially the look on the interviewer's face, he's scared to death when asking Gaahl a question, haha!
*The two sit in a dark room with only a table visible, and this dialogue begins*
Interviewer: Er... uhm... What exactly inspires your music?
Gaahl: ...
Interviewer: ...
Gaahl: ... *sips from his bottle of wine or monkey blood or whatever that is*
Interviewer: ... (oh god he's gonna kill me, I know, he'll take his axe from the wall and butch me...)
Gaahl: Satan.
Interviewer: Oh. *relieved a bit by eventually having recieved an answer* Err.. okay.. So do you approve these church burning and stuff?
Gaahl: ... Of course. :Smokedev:
Interviewer: :ill:
Actually, the way the story went (this is the very short version since the one I read is like the size of a book chapter, and I don't mean Lords Of Chaos) was that Euronymous was told that Varg would be imprisoned for murdering someone who is a friend, business associate but who also is a rival and is having problems with the business relationship. Euronymous though that would probably mean him, so he told a few friends of his that he plans to knock out Varg, tie him up, take him to a forest and torture him to death. At around that time, people were getting kind of sick of Euronymous so they had more loyalty to Varg. So the guys Euronymous told him plan to, quickly called up Varg and warned him about it. When Varg had a friend of his over one time, I think it was one of the guys from Thorns, they were going to go to Euronymous' apartment to drop off a contract for Thorns and for Varg to basically cut off all his business dealings with him. So when he showed up at Euronymous' place (they lived about 6 hour drive away from each other), they went up to the apartment while Varg's friend waited outside. Then they started to argue and Euronymous was going toward the kitchen and Varg thought it was to get a knife (it probably was). So Varg had a knife and attacked him. At this point, Euronymous tried to reach for a weapon but Varg stopped him, so Euronymous ran out. Varg's friend was all freaked out at what was going on so he started to panic. Varg chased Euronymous down the stairs and, well, you can figure out the rest.

Gaahl is not from Darkthrone, he's from Gorgoroth. The Darkthrone guys are actually really cool, especially Fenriz. They had to be all tr00 and stuff back when that was like required, but now they are really cool. He even quotes Cartman and Winnie The Pooh in his interviews.
I like Gorgoroth but Gaahl is not someone to look at as the typical black metaller. He is insane, literally. He actually gets government money because of it. I didn’t see the Metal: A Headbanger’s Journey but everyone always talks about that interview. I should rent it, I could just imagine how funny it is to see him say that.

But I am into the black metal music. I couldn’t really care less about the lyrics and image when the band is trying to be all tr00 and kvlt. Some bands have pretty good lyrics though. But I listen to it because some of the bands make really great music. Dimmu Borgir, Immortal, and Old Man’s Child are very technical bands and excellent musicians. Their image could make you piss yourself from laughter, but the music is very high quality work. There are a lot of other black metal bands that release great music. Dödheimsgard, Satyricon, Emperor, Mayhem, Naglfar, Setherial, Enochian Crescent, Keep Of Kallesin and many others.
ah yes he was from gorgoroth, sorry
i don't listen to darkthrone either but i like Fenriz's side-project "Storm". Nordavind is a very good album.
I just got back from a trip to Bosnia i Hercegovina, and when I was there, there was a gathering of people from hundreds of different nations, some of which are at war with each other, yet everyone was singing together, helping each other, and acting as one people. Peace CAN EXIST on Earth!!!! As we Orphaned Disciples know, we must take our message to every corner of the earth and turn enemies into friends...
I can see why a lot of people hate them. They are really cheesy. But I still think they kick serious amounts of ass though.
How can you all not like Manowar? Don't let the fact that they looked really gay in the 80's fool you, they made some seriously ass kicking music.
Here's a live version of one of my favorite Manowar songs, Black, Wind Fire And Steel. It's on Youtube. This was from the Hell On Earth DVD.
This one is Warriors Of The World United from the Warriors Of The World album. This is also one of my favorite Manowar songs and this was the song that got me into the band's music. It starts off kind of slow but really builds up. Just listen to Eric Adams' vocals.
Now for the shameless plug, I reviewed the Warriors Of The World album here.
Give the band a shot at least.