Radical Cyclists Take to L.A. Freeways to Say Bikes Are Better


spacestation '76film
Apr 11, 2004
Radical Cyclists Take to L.A. Freeways to Say Bikes Are Better
By Chuck Squatriglia May 14, 2008 | 6:41:53 PMCategories: Bicycles

For the second time in two months, a bunch of Los Angeles bike advocates calling themselves Crimanimalz took to one of the busiest freeways in the world to make the case that, when your freeways are gridlocked, bikes are better.

About 30 cyclists rode onto the Santa Monica Freeway (I-10) at the height of Friday's rush-hour commute and went east to the San Diego Freeway (I-405), where they rode north to the Santa Monica Boulevard exit, moving easily through traffic. In all, they rode more than two miles.

"There's thousands of cars and you're just flying by," said one of the group, called RichToTheIE, by phone on Wednesday. "It's an amazing feeling."

The renegade rides are a radical off-shoot of the popular - and often controversial - Critical Mass rides held each month in cities around the world as cyclists grow increasingly vocal in asserting their rights to the road and extolling the environmental and societal benefits of ditching your car in favor of a bike.

Such rides are usually limited to downtown areas, but Crimanimalz are taking them to the freeways of Los Angeles to prove that riding a bike is faster than creeping through bumper-to-bumper traffic.

Crimanimalz first appeared around the end of last year after Santa Monica police started coming down hard on the monthly Critical Mass ride.

"The freeway is the last stronghold of the car, so when you've got 30 cyclists flying down the lanes, you feel like General Custer, you feel like the good guys," said Alex Cantarero, another of the group "People look on the bicycle as an anachronism. Now with high gas prices, the car looks like an anachronism."

Crimanimalz has held three Crimanimal Mass rides since April 18, when 15 cyclists rode almost three miles on the Santa Monica and San Diego freeways.

They haven't had much trouble with the California Highway Patrol, who managed to nab two of the cyclists in Friday's rides but let them off with a lecture even though Section 21960(a) of the California Vehicle Code gives police the authority to cite cyclists for riding on highways.

Bay Area cyclists haven't been quite so lucky. They've been busted biking over the Bay Bridge as part of their campaign to get a bike lane added to the span.

The Crimanimalz plan to keep pushing their luck - they're promising more Crimanimal rides. "We want to do a bigger freeway with more riders," said Cantarero.

The rides have garnered mixed reaction from cyclists at the Midnight Ridazz website.
I hope they fucking get hit by someone. Bicycling sounds all nice and cute and green-friendly and tree-hugging when you're tooting around downtown, but get out on a state road and have to slam on your fucking brakes and almost cause a pile-up because some douche nozzle decides he's just going to cross lanes on you.

And you know what? They have the right-of-way. I hope they all fucking die.

Well, maybe not die, but at least get knocked off their bikes.
Pedestrians supposedly have the right of way too, but I know car drivers that'll say "If he's dead, he can't disprove my statement that he cut in front of me suddenly."
This subject used to piss me off to no end. I fucking hated cyclists on the street. But now, after working downtown for 5+ years I've come to realize that most of them aren't so bad. As long as they stay to the right and give me enough room to get around them, I'm fine with it.

Now, the ones that ride down the middle of the fucking lane like they're another car... those guys piss me off. They could at least move the hell out of the way when I get behind them.

And another thing that irritates me is how they all claim they have the same rights as a car on the road. Well good on ya buddy, that's fine and dandy. SO FUCKING STOP AT THE RED LIGHTS AND YIELD TO FASTER TRAFFIC JUST LIKE THE CARS HAVE TO, YOU DIRTY HYPOCRITES!
Reminds me of when Derick, a couple friends, and I went to Austin for the first time for Halloween. We parked and started walking down the strip, and this gang of artsy-fartsy looking bicyclists rode by, mocking us for not having bicycles and saying something to the effect that we probably wished we had bicycles like them.

Austin is weird.
Reminds me of when Derick, a couple friends, and I went to Austin for the first time for Halloween. We parked and started walking down the strip, and this gang of artsy-fartsy looking bicyclists rode by, mocking us for not having bicycles and saying something to the effect that we probably wished we had bicycles like them.

Austin is weird.
Sticks + their spokes = fuck them.