My weekend with Orange County Choppers


That's gonna leave a mark
Dec 13, 2002
Spokane, WA
The following was lifted from my myspace blog... ;)

This last weekend was a big weekend for motorcycles in Spokane with the OCC in America tour rolling into town and the 2nd annual Mini Sturgis weekend at Cruisers at Stateline. I tried to cram and much into the weekend as I could!

It all started early Friday afternoon by helping my friends at Vintage V-Twin get their vendor booth set up then I rode out to the Northern Quest Casino with Bill and Cody from VVT following and we went to the VIP meet and greet and met the Teutuls and saw the unveiling of the Northern Quest Casino Bike. They also had several bikes on display for an up close and personal look. They included the Fire Bike and the POW/MIA bike. Amazing detail on these works of art. Then it was back across town to the Fairgounds to look around a bit more before the event opened. I was able to get some shots of the 10 OCC bikes without people around. Then met up with some friends who rode in from out of town and made plans to ride out to the Mini Sturgis at Cruisers Biker Bar. For those that don't know about Crusiers it's renown for reportedly being the only Biker Bar in the country that you can ride right through the middle of and loud pipes are welcome and encouraged.
Saturday arrived way to early and before we went to Cruisers, I had another event to participate in, the OCC charity ride with the Teutuls. We started out meeting at the Casino at 7:00 and for the next 2 hours they staged bike after bike. At 9:00 we rode out in masse. That was one of the most exhilerating rushes I've had. I was in the middle so in my rear view mirror I saw two police bikes and and then headlights for as far as I could see and ahead two columns of bike for as far as the eye could see. Traffic was blocked off for the entire 13 mile run. It's undescribable being in the middle of hundreds of bikes in formation doing 60 miles an hour down the freeway. The entire route was lined with people watching and waving. they were on the overpasses, roof tops, in the fields, everywhere. Even the parking garage at the hospital. We arrived at the grounds and after a quick bite I headed over to pick up my friends and we rode a nice leisurely ride to Cruisers. They earned their patch riding through the bar. We watch some music, classic biker games for people who've had too much to drink my noon, like best butt crack and the frozen wet t-shirt contest. We ended up hanging out till early afternoon. Then rode back in to town. My highlight ofthat ride was catching a wasp under my sunglasses at 50mph. Sadly he got a couple of good stings in before his demise. Hurt like hell for about and hours then all was good. Especially after a nice beer. We went to the show saw the vendors and caught a little of one of the Teutul stage shows. Then it was time for what we had been waiting for all day, the Paul Rogers concert. What a treat. Paul has to be one of the best rock singers of all time. At the end of the show I sent my friends on their way back to their hotel since they were riding home the next day. I rode back out to Cruisers for more music and merriment, finally getting home at about 3:00. I slept in until about 9:00 then headed back over to the OCC show and got to the Teutul stage show early to get a really good seat. Their show was pretty interesting. It was kind of like Emeril Live builds a bike. They wheel out a bare frame and mock up a rolling bike and send it off to paint and powdercoat and a minute later a fully painted, yet totally disassembled bike is rolled back on the stage and reassembled before our eyes, started and a completed burnout on stage. They also throw dozens of shirts and frisbees to the audience and the people in the way back need fear not they had CO2 powered rifles that shot them 3 at a time to the very back. Then the OCC band (made up of all OCC staff) played a bit and it was time to load up and come home.So... without further adieu... pictures... OBLIGATORY WARNING: There's a wee bit of adult content here.
Alan, those wasp stings sound horrible! I got a double sting from one little buggar inside my car and I know what that did to my arm, I can't imagine what it would be like on the face! :ill: Did you swell up? My arm swelled up from just off the shoulder all the way down to 2 inches above my wrist. I had no elbow, just a large swollen flesh colored noodle of an arm for almost a week. :erk:

Anyway, that ride sounds really fun and like an experience you won't soon forget. Loved the story! :headbang:
Doodoobubbachuck said:
Alan, those wasp stings sound horrible! I got a double sting from one little buggar inside my car and I know what that did to my arm, I can't imagine what it would be like on the face! :ill: Did you swell up? My arm swelled up from just off the shoulder all the way down to 2 inches above my wrist. I had no elbow, just a large swollen flesh colored noodle of an arm for almost a week. :erk:

Anyway, that ride sounds really fun and like an experience you won't soon forget. Loved the story! :headbang:

I'm lucky... they don't swell. I just had a lttle knot you could feel if you pressed on my cheek. Burned like fire though, my eyes watered all the way home:cry: