Dumbest Metal lyrics you've ever heard?

Do you really think that anything that includes dwarfs,wizards,unicorns,superheroes,droids,THE FORCE and enchanted forests can be considered as literature for grown-ups?
Obviously I do.
Some of the worlds greatest literature, strecthing back to the beginnings of recorded history, told by some of the worlds greatest authors contain fantastic elements:
Shakespeare - Midsummer nights dream
Homer - The Illiad
Unkown - The story of Gilgamesh
Robert Louis Stevenson - The Bottle Imp

I could go on and on and on, but just the above examples prove my point. What counts most about literature is "The Story" and not necessarily "The Setting" IMHO.
As I stand in the Shower
Singing Opera and such
Pondering the possibility that I
Pull the pud too much
There's a scent that fills the air
Is it flatus? Just a touch.
And it makes me think of you.

Ha ha.... nice one!

How 'bout "My love for you is like a truck, BERSERKER!"

OK, It's from a movie, so what. :loco: