Sonata Artica are dumbest band ever


Oct 15, 2001
Here is a lyrical examination of The Cage. cos I'm bored.

A lifetime ago, with frozen eyes they closed the door
Suddenly I realised what locks are for (what a a fuckin dumbarse, he had no idea what locks are for, he deserves to be locked in "the cage")
No trusting them anymore, Lights - are - out (what does this have to do with anything, ooo it's dark, i'm scared, your a pussy)

Empty the stare, innocent and unaware,
Dragged out from my home, my lair
Earmarked me, hurt me, burned me ( this is just shit)

The walls around me, eyes surround me, feed my fear again
I must be freed or I will die before the harvest moon, my friend ( now that would be a fuckin shame)
I do not have another year in me, you´ve gotta set me free..( or how about no, fuckwit)

The Dream is alive, I can run up the hills every night, ( his dream is to run up the hills every night? see this guy is a dickhead, he's safer where he is, away from the public)
Go around and see another side of the tree ( it's the same as the other side, it has bark and is most probably a hue of brown)
Freedom has a meaning for me, howl with me ( freedom has a meaning, so lets all howl with him)

Fear in the dark, I advice you ( you advice me hey, learn to spell you fuckin finnish twat)
can´t see the eyes, the glow behind you
? it´s my song they now sing to you
You stand no chance? ( oooo his minions are going to sing at me, I have no chance, of what? No chance to stop laughing at your lyrical genius)

They´ll kill for me, steal back my freedom, set me free,
It´s my minions vs.thee (AARRGHH singing minions again)
Fiery the vengeance, hate will drain me (dumb)

You will remember the day you crossed my path ( no I won't, I avoid people like you)
Leave me without a guard and you feel my wrath (ooo now he's gunna sing at me as well, unleashing his wrath of high pitched vocals, realy scary)
What you have done to me has made me bitter and cruel ( and stupid)
I´ll see that all the hate you spread returns to you, you, back to you?
( no need to repeat youself buddy, I got it the first time)

So as you can see, Sonata Artica are stupid,

Bernd Basmer from the German band Superior said to me once that it's difficult enough writing lyrics, let alone writing lyrics in a second language. Give it a go, Koichi. :)

Sonata Arctica!!! :headbang:
This Masterpeice is called

Harro, I rike pokemon
(J. Carter, 2003)

Do rou rike pokemon?
I rike pokemon,
I rike beans and rice
the dream is arive, i go running up de hills every niiight

I rove you, and everything about you, Pokeeemon
I rove to rove your rove, oh baby yeah

You play sony, got your picture
you play sony, got your picture


That wasn't so hard Spiff.
actually, I thought those Sonata Arctica lyrics were actually pretty good ;D

SA are damn awesome... and have some of the funniest lyrics ever. Letter to Dana features one of the best lines in any love song ever:

My eyes might have betrayed me, but I have seen
your picture on the cover of a filthy magazine
Terrible lyric writers....
can't remember the exacts, but something along lines of "with long haired drummer of the band", that was pretty funny....

The lyrics to REplica are pretty funny too...

oh, and then there's another one.. can't remember exacts again, but something about underwear.... ?
Well the lyrics to The Cage weren't totally terrible from what I read,Letter To Dana is much worse. I couldn't bother reading all the lyrics since you're talking to them after every sentence.
I mostly liked Sonata's lyrics on Silence and I liked the lyrics on Replica too...
I actually like The End Of This Chapter...ok the "while you're sleeping I steal your earring" part isn't exactly the high point of poetry,but the song has a nice subject anyway.
Anyway not much need to defend them any more,I like some of the stuff.

Here I stand alone again
Hundreds all around
Didn't come here to wake a friend
But to listen to the sound
Something's growing in my pants
As she looks into my eyes
Now I smile the whole damn night
But my dream acts cold as ice

It's time for just a little sign
It's time, make believe the world is mine
It's time for just a little sign
It's time, make believe the world is mine
Just a little sign

Shouldn't I dare to talk to her
But what is it I would say
Surely I'd look like a clown
For my smiles freeze on my face

It's time for just a little sign
It's time, make believe the world is mine
It's time for just a little sign
It's time, make believe the world is mine
Just a little sign

Pure genius.