Radio and the media...

Mr. Hyde

Guitar, Bass
Apr 27, 2001
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I hardly listen to radio these days because of a lack of originality in the programming. There are only a few rock stations that I can receive here anyhow and their programming follows two narrow types, classic rock or nu rock /nu metal.
I rarely hear Maiden, but the classic rock stations often play Priest, Sabbath and Ozzy. The Nu Metal style stations will play Creed and Metallica but mostly seem to play Korn, Tool, Limp Wristed etc...
I don't mind listening to Free Bird for the 3 millionth time if I haven't heard it in a while but these stations seem to play the same songs over and over again.
You'd think that Priest only has two songs, You Got Another Thing Coming and Living After Midnight if your opinion was formed by what is played on the radio. Rush only has Tom Sawyer and The Spirit of Radio. Ozzy has Crazy Train and Momma I'm Comin' Home.
I can tune into one of the alternative stations to hear an occasional U2 song if I want to suffer subjecting myself to their primary playlist of music I hate.

I don't know how it is across the country but here there are basically two companies that own everything. Clear Channel and Infinity. In my opinion they have monopolies that have severly limited the qaulity of the product that the radio stations are able to produce.
It seems to me that every station is forced to play a certain script of songs that are specifically selected to sell a certain product. Their primary purpose seems to be to marketing not entertainment.

Now there is talk of the industry being further deregulated so that the large media corporations can buy even more stations in any given area effectively giving a few people more control over all forms of media.
I think we are seeing the effects of what this has done to our country. Turn on the local evening news, the channel doesn't matter, there will be the same stories, usually in the same order, as on any other station. What about the all news networks? All the same, different faces spouting the same message.
Talk radio is going the same route. From what I understand throughout most of the country you would think that Bush personally ok's every word that is said. There are very few stations allowing opposing points of view.
The media is selling us the message that we are afraid, angry and stupid, and if we aren't then we should be...stay tuned to find out why at 11:00.

I've covered a lot of stuff here so maybe we can find something interesting to talk about. What do you guys think about deregulation? Has it helped or hurt the music industry? Is there an effort to control the masses by controlling the message of all forms of media? What are your thoughts?
You would think that deregulation would help the industry, but all that's happening is the big media companys continue to buy up the competition and change there formats to theirs so all were hearing is what you have outlined above.:cry:

Some of the other group/songs I always hear are:

Saga, Wind Him Up
Pink Floyd, hey you
Yes, Owner of a lonely heart
Supertramp, school
Styx, come sail away
Boston, more then a feeling

The list goes on and on.
It's unfortunate, but until people learn to dig deeper via newspapers, web publications, etc and really get to know thier sources as far as who is writing what and what that person's point of view or motives are, this will never change.

The radio here in Pittsburgh is the same way. You'd swear that Lynard Skynard is #1 on the charts right now. Until people decide to say the hell with that, and put on a cd or something instead and voice opposition to it, it'll never change.

I was very happy with myself when I was able to petition Val Porter, the local rock radio station's program director enough to get her to place The Wickerman into rotation. I'll give her alot of credit for doing that, since I'm sure she caught hell for it. Bruce went into a 15 minute tirade about how that station sucks back in '85 and she was cool enough to admit that they've never forgotten it. Bruce really hurt Maiden's chances on the station since then.
Personally, I stopped listening to radio years and years ago. When I do listen now, its NPR. Unfortunately they have an extreme left-wing view of things, so I turn that off a lot as well.

Now since I put a cheesy Radio Shack cassette deck ($30) into my truck, AND it happens to have an 1/8" CD IN jack on the front, I use my new 10GB MP3 player and plug it right in.

Mostly I listen to audiobooks, but I have a lot of music stored on there too. With 10GB of room to store MP3 files, I can almost carry my entire collection of music with me. It was the single best purchase I have made in the last 2-3 years. (Archos Jukebox). Whats really cool about this particular MP3 player is that there are a group of egg-heads out there who have written a new firmware for the unit. Completely above board, they also have a web site to track daily builds, new features, bugs, etc. Well, this new free firmware (Rockbox) allows you to do something that every other portable MP3 player I've looked at can't do. It resumes play at exactly the same spot you left off at. Most players start back at the start of the MP3 file you left off on, but when your listening to audiobooks that have 60 minute tracks --that is a BIG problem.

So in a nutshell, I've bagged off on commercial radio totally and just supply my own entertainment.
jim said:
Personally, I stopped listening to radio years and years ago. When I do listen now, its NPR. Unfortunately they have an extreme left-wing view of things, so I turn that off a lot as well.

Now since I put a cheesy Radio Shack cassette deck ($30) into my truck, AND it happens to have an 1/8" CD IN jack on the front, I use my new 10GB MP3 player and plug it right in.

Mostly I listen to audiobooks, but I have a lot of music stored on there too. With 10GB of room to store MP3 files, I can almost carry my entire collection of music with me. It was the single best purchase I have made in the last 2-3 years. (Archos Jukebox). Whats really cool about this particular MP3 player is that there are a group of egg-heads out there who have written a new firmware for the unit. Completely above board, they also have a web site to track daily builds, new features, bugs, etc. Well, this new free firmware (Rockbox) allows you to do something that every other portable MP3 player I've looked at can't do. It resumes play at exactly the same spot you left off at. Most players start back at the start of the MP3 file you left off on, but when your listening to audiobooks that have 60 minute tracks --that is a BIG problem.

So in a nutshell, I've bagged off on commercial radio totally and just supply my own entertainment.

I hear you about those audio books. It's a pain in the behind to have to try and find where you left off in the middle of a long track.
I usually listen to an mp3 cd in the car. With MusicMatch I can create a fairly high quality cd with about 91 songs on it and plug my portable mp3 player into the car radio with the cassette adapter. That at least gives me the option of making mixed cd's with some variety on them. ( I wish I could figure out why MusicMatch always puts everything in alphabetical order, even when I tell it not to.:( )
At home I usually don't turn the radio on other than the occassional talk radio program. I don't usually listen to NPR because I don't find the programming that interesting. I'm glad that they seem to offer some kind of alternative to the right wing but I don't think it goes far enough to create a balance.
When I listen to talk radio I listen to Bernie Ward or Ray Taliaferro. They are as almost as extreme to the left as some are to the right and offer a point of view that competes with O'reilly and Limbaugh. Other than that I really have to dig to find news and information so that I can make up my own mind about issues.

I don't really want to turn this into a political thread unless you guys want to discuss your points of view on that kind of thing.:cool:

What I think is disturbing is that we are all turned off by the current state of radio and I think that it may get worse if there is further deregulation of the industry. When so few are controlling so much of what we hear and see now.
We need to have variety and it seems like we are all being force fed the same choices unless we choose not to tune in. Not tuning in is a choice but I wonder if it is fair to us. Are we in the minority? Do most people want to hear the same songs over and over again? Do most people really want to hear soundbites instead of actual substance in their news?
Sadly, its my experience that people like us are the extreme minority. The MAJORITY of people (those who don't know any better) listen to whatever commercialize shit is broadcast to them -- akin to mass brainwashing in my opinion.

But when it comes down to it, I can't find a better mix of music I like than on my own MP3 player. Funny thing is, it rarely plays a bad song.. :) :)
jim said:
Sadly, its my experience that people like us are the extreme minority. The MAJORITY of people (those who don't know any better) listen to whatever commercialize shit is broadcast to them -- akin to mass brainwashing in my opinion.

But when it comes down to it, I can't find a better mix of music I like than on my own MP3 player. Funny thing is, it rarely plays a bad song.. :) :)

Yeah, it's sad that a lot of people are so easily lead around and accept things without question. My mp3 player rarely plays a track I don't like either.:lol:
Speaking of brainwashing;
I know people who don't even care that "artists" they like don't perform their music live. It's ok with them that they lipsync to the cd. It doesn't bother them that some can't really sing in key without electronic help, and that the songs themselves are actually made up of bits and pieces of other peoples music.
Eventually this kind of mentality will lead to songs that drone on one note for a half an hour at time with the same beat. Oh wait, they already have that...Techno....AAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHH!
radio....bleah. Like Jim..I listen to my mp3 player exclusively! I realized long ago that post people are like sheep. There is very little original thinking out there...and many people are just flat out dumb. there..I said it.. don't hate me. I really felt kinda bad when I realized one day that I was 'brighter than the average bear'.
rabies said:
radio....bleah. Like Jim..I listen to my mp3 player exclusively! I realized long ago that post people are like sheep. There is very little original thinking out there...and many people are just flat out dumb. there..I said it.. don't hate me. I really felt kinda bad when I realized one day that I was 'brighter than the average bear'.

Your cutier than one too! ;) ....but just 'bear'ly.
I've always tried to avoid using the term dumb when talking about people but sometimes you just gotta say it.:lol: I've come to realize that, even though I could use a lot more education on many subjects, there are plenty of dumb ass parrots who can quote text books word for word that can't come up with one original thought on their own.
I pity them in a way. What will they do when they find out that some of the shit they believe whole heartedly is made up crap just to manipulate them? I know...It's Clinton's fault right. :lol:
I guess my understanding of the fact that I am ignorant about so many things makes me hesitant to toss the dumb word around. Sometimes I feel like it's just me. Like I'm the one who doesn't get it. :lol:
I emailed a particular news anchor/ radio talk show host out here a while back because he was going on and on about how the Iraq situation doesn't have anything to do with oil. His reasoning was that if we lifted the sanctions Iraq would flood the market with oil to make money. So we can have all the Iraqi oil we wanted without war to get it. In his mind that was proof that oil wasn't an issue.
Hmm...I thought. This guy has way more education than me. He has a much larger vocabulary than I do. He is probably 30 years my senior. But the more I thought about it, I just couldn't understand what seemed like a sort of naivete on his part.
George Bush's family obtained their wealth from the oil business. So did Cheney. So I emailed him the question...Have you ever considered that fact that Bush and his oil buddies stand to make a lot of personal income if they gain control of Iraq's oil? He didn't read it on air, or reply. Was it me? Hmmm...I have to wonder...

I don't know if I'm smarter than the average bear but I think I can probably outwit the average sheep. :lol: I'm pretty sure I have the chickens beat too. :lol: