Radio host doesn't back down against muslims


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From here:
This will be replaced with a proper article when the story develops. I can only hope that the station and the radio guy doesn't buckle.

Mon Jan 30 2006 10:10:49 ET

Los Angeles's top talkradio station is under fire from a Muslim group because of comments made earlier this month by morning man Bill Handel. The Council on American-Islamic Relations has demanded an apology from Handel for making fun of a stampede that killed hundreds of Muslims during an annual pilgrimage.

But Handel is set to fire back, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

Handel will apologize IF the Council on American-Islamic Relations:

1) Decries all acts of terror (described specifically, not generally)

2) Agrees that Israel is a sovereign nation with the right to defensible borders

3) CAIR has no ties of any sort, financially or otherwise, to any terror orgs or individiuals.


KFI-AM does not condone making light of the deaths of people engaged in religious observances. We regret that listeners found the comments of one of our on-air hosts to be insensitive. KFI does not censor its hosts, nor does it tell them what to say or not to say. KFI is a strong and passionate believer in 1st amendment rights and that is at the very core of this radio station.

I don't see what the fuckin problem is. The Stampede is a long tradition in the Hajj. The best thing about this annual mass slaughter of the faithful in Mecca is, you never know when the fun's gonna happen!

SOmetimes its in the central mosque, as tens of thousands squeeze into the circling throng, until the pressure is so great that hundreds are trampled and nobody can get in to clear out the broken, flattened corpses.

Other times, some towelhead knocks over a charcoal cooker, setting fire to his tent, leading to a blazing inferno, which is swept through the vast tent city surrounding the holy sites of Mecca.

Tent infernos are particularly fun, as first you have thousands incinerated by the fast-moving flames, usually followed by murderous stampedes of survivors, trying to reach the place where their families were killed. More often than not, Saudi police fire live ammo into the weeping, angry crowds.

This time, it was a classic stampede to reach the pillar representing Satan. This is the most popular place for a deadly stampede, but they are usually small by Hajj standards.

Finally, the million ants crawling atop the mountain outside Mecca is another favourite place for rock slides, fights for good places at the top, and other anger-filled arguements that inevitably break out in a religion known for bloodthirsty conquest and murder.

Handel was simply letting non-Moslems know how much fun they're missing by not converting to Islam and taking the Hajj right away!

Yeah, yeah! Only if there's enough donated grant money in the activitist kitty to warrant a frivolous lawsuit!

4,000+ posts??? Damn, the more the posts, the shorter and more retard they are.

I simply think this guy took a stand, saying the things people in the US are too PC to say directly to this council, for fear of inciting an uprising.

I can't believe that all we care about in the US is not "offending" these people when it's clear that everything and anything from "infidels" offends them.
Good for that radio host..

They wanna be intolerant,,,We'll show them intolerance.
Jurched said:
Yeah, yeah! Only if there's enough donated grant money in the activitist kitty to warrant a frivolous lawsuit!

4,000+ posts??? Damn, the more the posts, the shorter and more retard they are.



what are you on about?
and who the hell uses donated money?