Radio rock (real drums)


Dec 18, 2009
Here's a rough mix of a band that just finished up tracking. The toms and kicks are slate and the snare is all natural. This is my first time not relying on samples for the snare. The guitars still need to be reamped and the vocals have nothing on it yet so they're still raw.

Do you think the snare sound is solid enough not to have to resort to using samples?
Nobody wants to hear real drums dude, that´s why you dont have replies!lol If you said, POD/SUPERIOR this thread would be full of replies!lol Just joking.

The heavy guitars are really muffled, the voice is very dry also I not big fan of the radio effect.
That's why he just said that vocals have nothing on them, they're raw. I'm sure he'll throw some autotune in there. Can't wait to hear this re-amped.
Nobody wants to hear real drums dude, that´s why you dont have replies!lol If you said, POD/SUPERIOR this thread would be full of replies!lol Just joking.

The heavy guitars are really muffled, the voice is very dry also I not big fan of the radio effect.

I think I'm going to repost this thread asking if the guitars tact and asking what drums joey sturgis uses.

The radio effect was a request from the band but I think I'm going to try to talk them away from it. Maybe throw some stereo delay on it
Yeah man, the first track up top - vocals are super dry and way off tune and guitars are pretty muddy/dark, it almost sounds like the entire mix (except the vox) needs the treble knob turned up.

Second track is definitely an improvement in guitar tone but it still sounds a little dark & muddy, like I'm listening to someone playing guitar with really thick earmuffs on from a different room.
Yeah man, the first track up top - vocals are super dry and way off tune and guitars are pretty muddy/dark, it almost sounds like the entire mix (except the vox) needs the treble knob turned up.

Everything he said. I think the snare doesn't need a sample. At most reinforce it with some sample, but leave at least part of it in the mix.

The radio effect might be cool if you tweak it so it actually sounds good (of course EQ/comp/whatever you will do to the vocals anyway will help with that).

But yeah, needs more treble. And definitely tuning on the vocals.

Edit: On the second song, again more high end to the guitars IMO. Same thing with the snare, I think it works well without a sample, if you think it needs something then maybe layer it 50/50 with a sample or something.