Rage added to Metal Camp

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
Very, very disappointing. It means one less slot, for an established, quality Power Metal act. There are so many bands of Rage's stature, I would greatly, greatly, greatly prefer. They bored the shit out of me at both ProgPower and this past year's Wacken.

I've tried and tried with the one Rage album I have, Trapped....and I have never got into it. When I started that thread about speed metal, Rage somehow got mentioned. I'm not sure how.

Rage seems to be one of those bands which people either avoid or love. As I understand it, the only time the ProgPower floor clears quicker than when Pain of Salvation take to the stage is when Rage went on. Supposedly it was like a mass exodus in the rush to go get a kebab.
As I understand it, the only time the ProgPower floor clears quicker than when Pain of Salvation take to the stage is when Rage went on. Supposedly it was like a mass exodus in the rush to go get a kebab.
Yep. When Evergrey finished their set, the crowd went for 1,300 to less than 300. Those who stayed said they were excellent. Saw them at Wacken this year... boring. Completely generic Power Metal, with a lead guitar player whose ego is about as big as Yngwie's.

i can't picture RAGE at a ProgPower type gathering ... to me (their early stuff anyway) was kind of Destruction lite mixed with a bit of Helloween ... anyway, they never had a solid following IMO
to me (their early stuff anyway) was kind of Destruction lite mixed with a bit of Helloween ..

See, that actually sounds quite cool. I'm sure there must be some reason for their cult following. I just haven't heard it yet. When Jason comes to this thread, he might be able to post some samples.
holy crap ... I think I lost track of this band around Perfect Man in the late 80's ... looks like they had 20 discs released since then.

now I am curious what possibly they could have done for all this time.
They're not nearly as bad as you think they are Greg, trust me. You'd be more of a fan if you had the time to sit down and absorb the best from all their eras and what they have to offer. That said, I don't think they'd ever climb the ranks of your favorite bands or anything, I just think you'd find them much more solid than you do now. Did you catch them at PPIV? I would judge them much more on that performance than on this year's at Wacken which was a self-fulfilling anniversary set with an orchestra - much more unique than what what they typically would do. They were very solid at Wacken 2001 when I saw them.

Ali, their earlier material is indeed much rawer and heavier (with "Perfect Man" probably being the best of the 80's platters - but you may even prefer "Reign of Fear" or "Execution Guaranteed" because their balls out thrashy 80's style speed metal played with grit and dirt while "Perfect Man" becomes a bit more polished but has better songwriting). I can upload some samples from different eras tonight to see if they grab anyone.

They're not nearly as bad as you think they are Greg, trust me. You'd be more of a fan if you had the time to sit down and absorb the best from all their eras and what they have to offer. That said, I don't think they'd ever climb the ranks of your favorite bands or anything, I just think you'd find them much more solid than you do now.
I doubt it. First off, the vocals leave me flat. Vocals are the primary component in my enjoyment of any Power Metal act. The guitar playing does nothing for me. I know Smolinski (or whatever his name) is suppose to be a guitar god, but he bores me. Lastly, their lyrics are average to bad.

:lol: ... trying to lead Greg away from Nevermore, Iced Earth or Primordial clones ... is like trying to stray me from Slayer ones.

it just ain't going to happen

Btw ... we should have some game called 6 Degrees of Iced Earth or some shit like that :lol:
Jason ... shoot up something from Rage ... from the first couple of discs if possible.