Rahab of the "Now playing" on each post


Watch out for BLÖTT!
Jun 15, 2002
Brussels / Belgium
Yes ladies and gentlemen, Thortyir has finally reached the next level... I'll try to post something sensible here! :Spin::cool:

I was just wandering... What happened to the "now playing" thing on each new reply?! :Smug:

I used to like it... So, I ask for the rehab of it... :)

We just have to do so:

NP: Godsmack - "Changes"

Not difficult at all... So we should start some long conversations about our tastes... :grin::wave:
darn, we have a now playing thread and you're spoiling the board!

it will be back in a next downgrade (thx moody)
check the 'bugs and probs' forum if you wanna know more
DragonLady1 said:
Sentenced - Let go (the one and only best of finnish goth rock Sentenced... rulllllllllleeeeeeeeeeees :) )

oh, your words complement mine....