Raising money through a Kickstarter campaign for my film!!! My METAL film!!!!!!


New Metal Member
Mar 27, 2008
Hello! I am an independent filmmaker, Jason Caridi, based in Central New Jersey. I am producing/directing/shooting/editing a script I wrote called The Pit, and need some extra money to finish it. It is a film about lots of recent personal reflections and experiences, about musings on both reality and romanticism. I feel like this would be a fitting place to promote it because it was very highly influenced by metal, like most things in my life now. The film even opens with a montage set to a Negura Bunget song (Negru personally e-mailed me giving me permission to use their music). The themes and ideas in the movie, such as nihilism, romanticism, the unknown, isolation and darkness all cohere with metal ideologies, or lack of ideologies.

I would greatly appreciate it if you checked out my website at www.caridiography.weebly.com , went to the tab for The Pit and watched the trailer. The link to the Kickstarter campaign is on the front page of my site. If it interests you at all, I hope you would look at the rewards and donate. If you have any more questions, please e-mail me at jasoncaridi@comcast.net.

Thank you \m/
Jason Caridi