Ram-Zet - Intra


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Ram-Zet – Intra
Candlelight Records/Tabu Recordings – CDL0223 – September 6th, 2005
By Jason Jordan


For once, Metal-Archives.com got it right. Ram-Zet are indeed “Avant-Garde Black Gothic.” And Intra – the unit’s third record in five years – is a respite from much of the crap that’s been shoveled into my stereo over the past few months. While Intra excels on a variety of levels, I doubt it’s quite as laudable as the more experimental Escape.

Zet (vocals, guitars), it seems, is a talented individual. I write that because the riffing is heavy as hell, yet precision doesn’t flounder one bit. The other musicians are on top of their respective games as well, but the passages laced with subtle electronic furnishings are undeniably awe-inspiring. The 4:15 minute mark of “Left Behind As Pieces” is a prime example of the aforesaid technique, though “Enchanted” – it can be argued – is the apex of Intra. In short, the disparities converge in an effort to rip the listener to shreds. What are some of those disparities you ask? Ram-Zet veterans need not be reminded of them: violins, swoon-inducing female vocals, and majestic keyboard arrangements. So what, then, are Intra’s blemishes? Some may not like Zet’s inclination to imitate Dani Filth (Cradle of Filth). However, the former sheds the shrieks and remains dignified in doing so. Others may become tired of the ubiquitous female vocals, as did I, plus the compositions just won’t stick with you like your STD’s. And, when Ram-Zet ascended into softer ramblings, I found myself losing interest.

This diverse sextet wasn’t quite able to slash its way through my top contenders for the crown of 2005. In spite of that, Ram-Zet have crafted a worthy follow-up to 2002’s Escape, and the record concurrently succeeded in becoming a late bloomer…considering it’s nearly October. The band will clash with venomous rivals in the coming months, for sure, but I think they’re capable of standing their ground.


Official Ram-Zet Website
Official Candlelight Records Website
Official Tabu Recordings Website
I thoroughly enjoyed this album, which is quite a surprise, as I was prepared to dislike it. It was heavier and faster than I thought it would be and the gothic/industrial parts were just as good as the heavy parts. Yes, it's in that Cradle/Dimmu realm, but I liked this record more than either of theirs.

If the female vocalist is as hot as she sounds, she must be smoking! :hotjump: