Randall RH200SC

Only Human

Rider on the Bonez
Feb 14, 2003
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Hey, I have been considering buying a Randall RH200SC at a really great price. The reviews at Harmony Central are good, but there aren't a ton of them, so they can sometimes be misleading. Have any of you played one, and what do you think?

I play progressive melodic metal; not power metal, but think along the lines of Dark Tranquillity, Arcturus, Amorphis, old Soilwork, etc. I need an amp that can handle open chords with clarity but also a chunky thrash sound, as I use both. I also tend to not super scoop my sound, I like a moderate amount of mids. Thanks in advance.
Well, I'm interested in this one because I can get it at in insanely great price and it's supposed to sound nice and heavy. The RM100 would be awesome, but I don't have that kind of money. The RH200SC I'm looking at is reallllly cheap, and great for live purposes. I'm simply trying to get opinions from people who could be more associated with the amp than me.