Randall Satan & Soldano Hot Rod Kemper profiles?


More cowbell!
Aug 24, 2011

I was wondering if I could buy some good Randall Satan and/or Soldano Hot Rod Kemper profiles somewhere.
Thanks for the replies guys! (including the Spinal Tap clip ahah!)
Gabefry: will check that out!
ArthurD: feel free to hit me up when your profiles are available! What cab/mic/preamp will you use?
ArthurD: feel free to hit me up when your profiles are available! What cab/mic/preamp will you use?

Cab: Mesa 4x12 and a Marshall with GT75.
Mics: SM57, AT250de, MD421, R121, as well a combination of those. Usually I end up with 50+ profiles, but I choose only 10 to release.
Preamp: Neve.
Cab: Mesa 4x12 and a Marshall with GT75.
Mics: SM57, AT250de, MD421, R121, as well a combination of those. Usually I end up with 50+ profiles, but I choose only 10 to release.
Preamp: Neve.

Sounds sweet! Yeah The Amp Factory is usually hit or miss with high gain stuff.
i think profiling the satan its gonna be dificult since it has independet controls for low and high freq gain. Ola said he tried to make some profiles but didnt turn out that good so dont get your hope to high on satan profiles (hope im wrong)