SOLDANO amps - any users around here?


Oct 16, 2007
Does anyone around here own a SOLDANO amp?

Looking forward to your experiences regarding recording purposes. Are Soldano amps the kind of amps that are easy to dial in for recording or is it a struggle to keep the pronounced High End under control.

I am especially interested in the SLO and Hot Rod / Avenger series. Some of the best 80 Metal tones were recorded with the SLO 100 i guess :rock: . Plan on picking up a used Hot Rod because it is supposed to be close in sound to the SLO because of the real close circuit.

Can a miced up Hot Rod compare to the mighty SLO or are the differences like night and day?

Maybe someone has recorded clips of Soldano Amps. Looking forward to hear some stuff :Spin: .
The rhythm tone on Killswitch Engage's cover of "Holy Diver" was recorded with an SLO100, and I fucking LOVE it :rock:
The Avenger is an Awesome amp, probably the best single channel amp Ive owned or played. It sound Very similar to an SLO, yeeaa its supose to be the same circuit but it definitely sounds a little different. I felt it was better for rhythm's, it can absolutely do leads but the SLO is a Beast for leads. It just screams with super nice saturation but has awesome definition. Depending on the style of music your playing and if you got the loot, the SLO is a Sick amp you'll like. I say depending on the style of music your playing, cause you can definitely get a lot of killer sounds out of it but if say you'll be playing primarily metal with it I would suggest a few other amps that dont cost $3000+ that accel at those tones. If thats the case get an Avenger and a super nice boost, save yourself about $1500 and be happy. Although, the reason I ended up selling the Avenger was do to versatility, the single channel set up just became a problem for me in live situations, so keep that in mind. As far as the Hot Rod, having owned an Avenger and access to an SLO at my discretion and having played a Hot Rod, again pending the style of music, if we're talking any kind of Metal...dont wast you time, trust me. Its a great amp but there are a lot of amps that out preform it IMO. If you have any other questions Id be more than happy to try to answer them. Good Luck!!
I've only worked with the SLO100, but it's a beast of an amp. Can have a bit of a harsh, forward tonality, but its a very cool and distinct sounding tone. A bit difficult to use on metal rhythms without additional boosting and post-EQ, so perhaps check out the Avenger and see if it suits a little better out-of-the-box.
The Avenger has been on my list for a while. It will definitely be my next amp for sure! If I could afford the SLO I would go for it, but fuck that noise for the time being.

The single channel design doesn't bother me much. I've yet to find an amp that can do many things really well. I'm just going to opt for a multiple amp setup for my rig.
