Soldano, Peavey 5150, Mesa Rectifier, JCM 800 amp check


Oct 16, 2007
To see how my new Soldano amp works for recording purposes i did a quick recording session.

I took Metaltastics "Holy Diver" Dis and did a quick reamp, which made it easy to tweak around a little bit. For comparison / reference sounds i also did some reamps through a JCM 800, 5150 and a Mesa Rectifier.

The cab was a cheap Harley Benton 2x12 Cab with V30 speakers, which i had around in my flat. The cab was quickly miced with a single SM57. All amps were boosted with a Maxon 808 and roughly dialed in.

The amps could only run at low volume to avoid disturbing any neighbors :lol: .

I quickly noticed that the Soldano is one of the loudest amps i have ever heard :OMG:. It has to be turned up to 5 (12 o clock) to open up, but finally starts to sound good at around 7 ( 2 o clock). With all other amps i could achieve better results at low volume. So the clips do the Soldano no justice i think because it was only recorded at around 2 ( 9 o clock). I think i will give the Soldano a retube within the next days to see if this will yield better results at reasonable volume.

I noticed that the Soldano cuts through a mix easily :goggly: . But listen for yourself and rate the tones.

Click here for files
I'm gonna say I like Soldano 3 best. I want more presence in all of these guitar mixes to be honest. I do not like the Mesa in the mix anymore.
Great clips, and thanks for the work!!!!

But your clips show how much of the tone is in the hand of the player!!!
I mean this amps are totaly different high gain amps, but they all sound very very close

nice clips! i like the soldano the most, but all is good

But your clips show how much of the tone is in the hand of the player!!!
I mean this amps are totaly different high gain amps, but they all sound very very close


i just got my reamp box so maby i can make a test with my brunetti also in this thread if its ok?
sorry for thaBUMp, but

Does anyone or the OP have the files and can make them available again?
i´d really like to ear them :)