Randall t2 sample

This amp has one tube in poweramp so it`s not fully solidstate :)

Yes you're totally right, but one 12ax7 doens't make an amp sound like an all tube lol
For example marshall valvestate sound like ass to me ahahahah
The really old series were good, new marshall valvestates got a trebly tone I personally don't like.
Anyway this randall sounds like a real and mean tube head ;)
Can`t listen to clip. But maybe in some cases one little tube can change alot (if someone wants it)? :)
Doesn't the T2 have an all tube preamp? Seeing as how most of the tone of an amp comes from the preamp, I have no doubt that it sounds good (and I've heard T2's live that sounded amazing) - I'll check out the sample in a bit, thanks man!
I've tried it... I like it HEAPS better than some all-tube amps, especially for chug-chug kinda stuff

just checked the clip... yup, that's it... I love it to death!
Just listened - talk about generic metalcore for the music, uggghhh, but that tone is so middy and full, but SO TIGHT hot damn - I dig it, and I'd consider getting one if it wasn't so many fucking watts (way to much for my poor 120 watt 2x12 to handle!)
^I think you're mistaking it for the G3... the T2 has the option of a tube pre-amp or a SS one, the V2 is the same in that sense, only it has tons more options and a higher-watt power section...

the G3's have an all SS pre-amp and a power section similar to the v2's ant T2's
Just listened - talk about generic metalcore for the music, uggghhh, but that tone is so middy and full, but SO TIGHT hot damn - I dig it, and I'd consider getting one if it wasn't so many fucking watts (way to much for my poor 120 watt 2x12 to handle!)

It's so fucking loud because it's solid state with just one driver tube, so basically it's not as loud as a tube head, they had to make it with more wattage.
Look at the line6 Flextone: they're 300 watts but they're not louder than a dual rectum fryer.
I think 300watt solid state poweramp could be like 100watt tube poweramp.