random thoughts of the day

depends on circumstances. depends on the person.

I had friends in this similar situations - it was never that easy.

If it was me.. I'm not sure. It would certainly leave an impression, but so do a great many things. I couldn't justify to judge her that way to myself. I need to get to know her more. Then the matter resolves itself. If I won't get to know her more.. then it doesn't really matter, I guess and would raise the question how the hell I was with her in the first place, cos that kind athing don't usually happen to me^^.
We are all human after all and do what we enjoy. In short: no.

And if it's a good thing or a bad thing.. depends hugely on how things go later. I doesn't need to be a bad thing, but I can easily imagine that it can be (and know enough stories from friends where it was). It always so much depends..

random thought o day: it's all interesting and somewhat funny.
Hm, i wanna ask the men on this forum a question:

Let's say.. you're on a date with a girl at your home. You barely know her.. just the basic information and that's all.
And then you guys kiss and it turns out to having sex.. and this on a first date.
Does that make the girl a slut to you? or does that give her any other weird impressions?
And is that a good or a bad thing?

This might be a weird question... but i'm curious.

It can be a good thing. If the guy is into the girl and it just happened in the heat of the moment, well, that's a great feeling to be honest. It's just inherent human passion coming to the surface.
That sort of thing hasn't worked out that well in the end in my situation at least. You always end up finding out some dirt of who they've been with. Once I found out this girl had been with this dirty ass punk kid who I knew so I was worried for a while after. Same thing happened to my old roommate, and the entire next day he was flipping out asking me if he should "go get checked." It was actually kinda funny or not ... maybe I'm an ass.
Hm, i wanna ask the men on this forum a question:

Let's say.. you're on a date with a girl at your home. You barely know her.. just the basic information and that's all.
And then you guys kiss and it turns out to having sex.. and this on a first date.
Does that make the girl a slut to you? or does that give her any other weird impressions?
And is that a good or a bad thing?

This might be a weird question... but i'm curious.
Not necessarily, it all depends on one's intentions. It's up to the guy just as much as the girl, if he's just using the girl for sex or if he's genuinely passionate about her.
Well if she does that with many guys then yes, she's a slut.

Mostly agree. I mean that can happen to one,we are all human after all... That's a natural thing but if it happens everytime then sth. must be going wrong. Personally that would make me question if it was a spontaneous love act. It can easily leave a question mark in your mind if that girl does that to every fuckin guy she dates with...

But the thing is the same question mark will (or should?) appear in girl's mind too, because men and women are meant to be in equal conditions. Also the guy can be an ass, who carries his heart and brain between his legs and tries to get laid with every girl in his first date...

So both of the question marks can be erased by getting to know each other. The girl and the guy will understand what it really is... If that's the girl's way with every men it makes her a slut for me.
I would make sure thats what we both wanted and made damn sure that she was on the pill or i had protection and made sure she had no STDs. With me i look at a woman with passion burning in my eyes Ive been told im a sex addict and some of its true you cant wear me out HA HA. So if my date wanted to have sex on the 1st date i would take it slow.

And it kinda does sounds slutty
i think if a girl slept with me on the first date (has happened) id be thinking "ok ill see how this plays out for a bit, but i wouldnt be excited to bring her home to meet mom

id say she probably has had many partners, could have something worth getting "checked out", and i wouldnt want anything long term cause if shes so easy to get into bed, i wouldnt imagine it would be very hard for anyone else
actually as a guy i wouldnt want to sleep with a girl on the first date anyway, too uncomfortable, id like to get to know her for a bit first.

also sounds to me like she probably has something going on internally as well, maybe she had a poor relationship with her father, or didnt get much attention from guys as a kid/teen. and so shes anxious to get male attention. and that could lead to problems with trust, fidelity etc.

but thats what i as a guy would be thinking to myself, not nessecarily what is true

long story short:
Well a woman who'll kiss on the very first date
Is usually a hussy.
And a woman who'll kiss on the second time out
Is anything but fussy.
But a woman who waits 'til the third time around,
Head in the clouds, feet on the ground!
She's the girl he's glad he's found
i think if a girl slept with me on the first date (has happened) id be thinking "ok ill see how this plays out for a bit, but i wouldnt be excited to bring her home to meet mom

id say she probably has had many partners, could have something worth getting "checked out", and i wouldnt want anything long term cause if shes so easy to get into bed, i wouldnt imagine it would be very hard for anyone else
actually as a guy i wouldnt want to sleep with a girl on the first date anyway, too uncomfortable, id like to get to know her for a bit first.

also sounds to me like she probably has something going on internally as well, maybe she had a poor relationship with her father, or didnt get much attention from guys as a kid/teen. and so shes anxious to get male attention. and that could lead to problems with trust, fidelity etc.

but thats what i as a guy would be thinking to myself, not nessecarily what is true

long story short:
Well a woman who'll kiss on the very first date
Is usually a hussy.
And a woman who'll kiss on the second time out
Is anything but fussy.
But a woman who waits 'til the third time around,
Head in the clouds, feet on the ground!
She's the girl he's glad he's found

Haha thanks man, the little poem at the end made me Rofl big time.
Ive been told im a sex addict.

Is that what your mother said when she found your porn collection?

id say she probably has had many partners, could have something worth getting "checked out", and i wouldnt want anything long term cause if shes so easy to get into bed, i wouldnt imagine it would be very hard for anyone else
Yep, that always ends up being the big question. "Well if it was that easy then ..." The best relationships I've had is the one's where the whole cat, and mouse game was played out till a breaking point. The more you hold something over someone's head the more they tend to want it. It works both ways, but us males can be broad-sided. I've been pushy in the past, but I've always to some degree respected a girl who doesn't give in just to appease me even if I don't quite see things that way in the heat of the moment. Then again I've gone out with girls who don't want to get close because they're afraid you'll think they're a "slut." That sort of thing can be downright frustrating if it goes on for too long. At the end of they day it's probably best not to overanalyze things or else it becomes unnatural.
ok thanks. this makes up my mind ^^.
might have been an odd question for you to answer.
but its a pretty difficult topic for me.

hope i helped out a bit :)

Haha thanks man, the little poem at the end made me Rofl big time.

hahaha, i think its an old song.....words to live by though :lol:

My friend sent me the mp3 of the album last fall and i was super into it, got the cd/vinyl and shirt for xmas in fact haha.

haha wow nice, i saw some of their shirts the other day, theyre really great :D, im gonna have to track down the vinyl soon.
it may be one of the best things to come out of black metal in a while

" That sort of thing can be downright frustrating if it goes on for too long. At the end of they day it's probably best not to overanalyze things or else it becomes unnatural.

very true :), dating sucks anyway :p, i love being in a relationship, but i hate the awkwardness of dating :p
^watch jeopardy and pretend that alex trebek just knows the answers in his head, and isnt just reading them off a screen

makes it him seem hilariously arrogant