Randy Blythe supports a COBHC tattoo!!!

I was just watching Lamb Of God on the Download Festival 2007 highlights and I noticed something. I flicked back and I was right. Randy has "COBHC" tattoo'd across his left forearm. I even googled it just to make sure it wasn't something else but it is.



Just thought that it was cool. :kickass:

Yeh, well Alexi said in that finnish interview that he inducted randy into the Hate Crew so it makes sense.

Are you kidding me? That's fucking awsome! It's nice to know LOG support COB so much as to get a tattoo! NExt thing you know, Randy might be a guest on a COB song.

1. LoG supports Bodom??... wtf, Bodom is an INFINITELY better band, any way you look at it. If anything it should be good Bodom is associating with them, eventhough it isn't. It might gain them more fans, or make people more aware of them, that's it. Lamb of God is just more popular cuz they are nu-metal bullshit from America for hardcore kids.

11th Hour rocks though.

lol that's pretty gay. but then again it is lamb of god..
QFT :lol:
It's good to see LOG and COB are friends.Now,I think Alexi must have a LOG tat.

>_> fuck NO!
lamb of god suck

guitar wise its just a bunch of cromatic/ technical riffs thrown together to make a song. yes i was a fan, watched killadelphia.

Drumming wise its amazing