Rapture Radio prize packs to the troops!

Ok let me explain a few things and maybe clear up what I mean.
1.For those of you unfamiliar with fatass Micael Moore what he does is takes mountains of imformation and then edits it to his pleasing to make his point.It is alot like me taking all of our concersations we have had on MSN and just picking fragments of of the conversation and making it look like you are a flamming homosexual or something and then starting a press blitzkreig claiming Twan from Brutalism is gay.Now lets double that with the fact Micheal Moore preaches an anti capitolism message meawhile raking in millions with his "documentories"He is a liar and a hypocrite so in other words no I have not seen his movie and um............ NEVER WILL.

2.I never said I support the war but i do feel like this.For the right reasons or not there are people fighting a war buried in sand getting shot at and worst of all having to deal with Camel Spiders (Have you seen those fucking things?)Meanwhile I am living in a free country where I can do as I please.Those troops need someone to say "Hey I support you and wish you luck"Now wether or not I agree with why they are there is irrelivant.But if sending someone a cd could remind them of home or make them smile just knowing someone back home is thinking about them fuck I am all for it!