rapture radio promotion

it should open a little window in the left corner where the radio starts playing instantly without clicking on the little banner. on my labtob it works but it seems it is only working from there. shit, I have to try it again. :cry:
just to let yuo know I am still working on this fucking problem. It seems it aint that easy to start playing at once without clicking the link. But still trying. But if any internetspecialistprogrammerlunatic knows the solution: GET IN TOUCH
Hello there, it's me Calvin from Raspatul. Great to see ya guys here at Rapture Radio forum! To Twan: hey the intie that i did with you for Metal Vault webzine, i really don't know when it will be released in the site, because the website is undergoing some huge upgrading. So i hope you will be patient ok? Sorry dude! To Wes: hey dude, nice talking to you and keep up the great work with Rapture Radio! I will be sure to send our previous EP plus the new promo CD to you as soon as it's released!! Keep in touch all of you ok?? Hailz!!

Raspatul Domain: www.raspatul.tk
hey Twan! it's been a while since we chatted on MSN! yes we will send you the new promo CD for sure! it's a great honour to send it to Brutalism Zine again! as for your intie, i can only say sorry on behalf of Metal Vault cos the owner of the the webzine is always busy and i have send him a lot of reviews and inties but he is too busy to put them up on the webzine, and now recently the website is down for upgrading the site to a new look.

Raspatul is very busy now with writing new material for a full length album! yes finally we have decided to do a full length album! it will either consist of 8 or 9 songs, and this time we will promise to be more aggressive and faster! about 6 songs are completed and we are still hard at work in the studio. i will keep you guys updated on Raspatul's progress!

hope to see you guys here often and i promise to be here as often as i can! hailz and take care!!!

Raspatul Domain: www.raspatul.tk