rare Antimatter vinyl featuring DANNY CAVANAGH to be won

i've never won in any competition..

hmm i'm having btw one truly grrrreat album on vinyl.. yeh, europe's the final countdown :rock: sooo maybe you'd have it if i'd have saviour..eh..?!!
i think vinyl has a special mood. I just have one album on vinyl: Tiamat- Wildhoney. And its really great atmosphere when listening to the quiter songs with all that snapping.
I would buy some anathema vinyl or other atmospheric stuff, if i would have some extra money left.
vinyl is legend,although i dont have any serious disk really.just some greek music staff,and the 5th of Beethoven's symphonies!
aye, its a good chance to fix my turntable having gone down recently.
It's really a pity that the newest amps don't have vinyl (phono) input usually. When I get the money to upgrade my current amp (to get DTS and all that shit for dvds) I don't know what to do if it don't have pre-amp for vinyls... :confused:

I saw Judgement LP a couple of days ago in one recordstore but didn't have money to get it. Would be ace to listen to that record from vinyl..
i got 'alternative 4 men' on vinyl and i just noticed that i never played it on my turntable. i'll give it a try today.
Originally posted by Crack Hitler
Blashemy! If you don't need it, you can always send it to Finland. We can drink beer with stone and give a4 a spin :grin:

what we'll do is that i'll bring it if i come over and we'll get pissed while listening to it.