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A admin on a forum that likes to use his powers to take control things and be a general Arse while doing so. In the real world has no friends, to become a Web Führer you must also be a n00b and like Nu Metal.

WebFührer Says: "I Crave Power," "Im A n00b" "Im an admin do somthing wrong i will ban you,"

chicken lol! :lol: :lol:
..added by nick brookes...

yeah! :headbang:
ima on my way home... cya l8er (much l8er)
Alexi Laiho

also known as Alexi Copychild, decent guitarist known for copying countless riffs and licks, rearranging them with his band Children of Bodom. Likes to wear make-up and his sexual orientation is unknown.

Example: Alexi Laiho

omfg! :lol: