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Nah, not anymore. His makeup is terrible and he's getting fat but i still admire him. And oops, i thought you were a chick. MYYY BBAADDD! So sorry! LOL. Yeah, Joey too! Slipknot sux but Joey is a pretty good drummer.
Yeah it's cool, I give off that ...chick vibe lol, I hope I didnt sound TOO gay :lol: :lol: Joey is pretty crazy at drums though and talented. HAHA you mean he's actually getting fat?? super sadness from within.
LOL, you kept saying some guys were pretty! I read that in your criss angel posts. Yeah, Dani's getting fat but it's alright! His vocals will never get old. Plus, he has some badazz tats. I like Joey's solos!
Danni is getting fat to!?!?!?!? Whats the metal world coming to.. pretty soon instead of long hair and make-up, the trend will be FAT, loooool. Joey is a drum shredder for sure and Dani is vocal shredder haha, anything good has to have that "shred" classification!
Oh, and Alexi is a guitar shredder! hell yeah!! Woooot for Alexi. OMG, were you saying Joey is getting fat? OMG, Janne, Dani, and Joey are all getting fat. It's all the touring! They eat nothing but fast food so.....
JESUS NO, SAY IT ISNT SO, NOT JANNE TO!!! iT'S GOT to be the Doridos, Like when they Call Roop, Dorido now becuase that's all he ate LOL!!! Funny but scary and sad.