Rate my drum mix


New Metal Member
Jul 11, 2010
hey, i'm pretty new to the forum and this seemed like the right place to post this so:

I just got into drum programming and i've been messing around with ezdrummer and samples, etc.

I wanted to see if you guys could give me some tips on how to improve my drums as they are now.
Song = Parkway Drive - Boneyards..


Edit 3.. Better I hope!
Entrosolet - You are (not) alone drums


you uh... may want to take another whack at that. change some velocities up and such, maybe some new samples even... something : )
Needs a lot of work, I recommend practicing alot on it, reading about it in some threads (new search function is amazing btw)
but for starters, that snare needs some velocities editing.
0:18-0:22 sounds like crazy dance music I would rave to! Not metal...

Definitely change the velocities during the blasts.

Maybe add some more room sound?
In all honesty they need alot of work, but least you didn't go overboard and make the drums inhumanly playable. So thats a plus. Make sure if you're doing any type of drumroll/fill that you don't have a million cymbals going with it.

Always try and keep a drummer in mind, which hand they hit harder with, what part is being played vs how fast they can get to each piece on the kit. Air drum like a mofo, if you dont feel like you can physically hit every piece thats audible in that given moment then change it. Mess with the velocities on EVERYTHING. (not as much on the kick but a touch of change in it is always a good thing imo).

And now that we have it I can actually say this: Before asking questions do a search from this link and make sure the topic wasn't already covered. Treat that link as if it were your own child, it will help you out alot in the future. (Its also in the main page sticky:FAQ) It'll save you time from having to post and wait for responses and it'll save others time for repeating themselves. Also, welcome aboard.
Okay I added some velocity changes in the beginning, just so you can hear what it would sound like.

I know there needs to be variation in the velocities and all that, but I was asking more of how the drums actually sound and if I should change anything with the eq and stuff like that

here's the updated version:

good stuf man nice and tight especialy the "than spend another day in this perfect fucking world" breakdown bit, but ure cymbals sound kinda weak
sigh >.<

are the cymbals the only thing making it robotic? or do i need to do more velocity changes on the rest?