Rate my metalcore/post-core mix!


Nov 30, 2010
Hey dudes :)

I have worked pretty much now with a song that sounds pretty good right now trying to get a the devil wears prada/We came as romans sound ;p but i want you guys to rate it and give opinions! :)

Guitars: Amplitube 3.... and so on ^^
Bass: Amplitube 3....
Drums: Steven slate kick and snare. Addictive drusm on all other things.
Vocals: Not so good at mixing vocals yet so give some opinions to mix my vocals with! :)
Master: Limiter, izotope.

The vocals is not made so good yet just made it for mixing :)

Link: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15946984/Hedlund - Metal test 16 mars 2011.mp3

Peace! :D
I like all my text centered too, like my guitars in my mix.​

lol jk :p

It sounds like your guitars are sitting in the center of your mix. Try panning them out more like 100/75 left and 100/75 right. Your drums are a bit quiet too -- especially the snare and kick. Try adjusting the levels and bringing everything out. Right now the vox and guitars are dominating the mix. I dig the guitar tone, albeit sounding very digital still. I'm digging the songwriting tho! Good luck.
Thx dudes :)
I use 2 guitars at the verses!
1 - 100% left and 1 - 100% right and the bass is in the center, do you guys have some opinion to give the guitars so they sound wider then? :)

will raise the snare and kick then!

Glad you liked it :D
Thx dudes :)
I use 2 guitars at the verses!
1 - 100% left and 1 - 100% right and the bass is in the center, do you guys have some opinion to give the guitars so they sound wider then? :)

will raise the snare and kick then!

Glad you liked it :D

Did you actually record 2 separate guitar tracks? Or did you just duplicate 1 take? (which is what it sounds like) If you duplicate just 1 take and pan them out, they will still sound centered and very mono. If those are 2 separate takes, try quadtracking (4 unique performances and not duplicates) and pan them out maybe at 90/90 in addition to your 2 others at 100/100. All I can say is this doesn't sound like 2 unique takes. If all else fails, try using some sort of stereo imager to widen the guitars and open them up a bit -- this should be a last resort though.
ubersyntax: no i don't duplicate a guitar track! that sounds weird and bad. I'm not that noob ;D
I will try to wide them a little bit! :)
it may just be me but try adding some more bass to the mix, that might be because your kick isnt really powerful but its something to look at.... oh yeah, how are you eq'ing your guitars????
i like the music, reminds me of deftones a bit.
everything sound related was mentioned before i think.

Daybydayband: Yea i will make the kcik more powerful :) I can't say right now yet!
Soultrash: Thx dude :D
HeroicThomas: Thx man :D I'm really appreciate it! :) will do my best!