Rate my mix ! Detuned Toms & BlackGold cymbals

Thank you TheIllusionist

Yes, the guitar is too dark

The cymbals are samples (Black&gold sturgis)

Maybe I should soften the compession on the cymbals

I think I mixed at a too high level this time and my mix is very dark...
Thank you TheIllusionist

Yes, the guitar is too dark

The cymbals are samples (Black&gold sturgis)

Maybe I should soften the compession on the cymbals

I think I mixed at a too high level this time and my mix is very dark...

That happens ALL the time to me lol. I mix louder and louder then everything sounds dull at the end (on my mixes at least). I'd chill the compression a bit on the cymbals to let them smash more, and you'll be all good. When mixing loud, your ears get numb to those harsh frequencies of the cymbals after a while. It's always good to take a break, turn it down and listen quietly to see what stands out.
I dont think the guitars are too dark...I just think they need to come up a little. And use less overall verb on everything you used it on. The mix isnt really "in your face" Maybe put a C4 on the bass with the sneap guitar setting.