rate my Mix, give me some advices. alt/groove metal. Vocals needs 8-)


Oct 18, 2008
I'm without a band for last year, so I've decided to record some my new song ideas.
This is my first attempt, later i'll add some synths and rerecord some guitar parts.
what do you you guys think about drums, guitar tones and overall mix?
May be some of you can record some vocal or solos fo this, we'll try to make new web-band :cool:
feel free to ask any questions %-)
What kinda vocals are you looking for? Clean, grunts, screams?
I like the heavier parts in the song, the clean parts are a bit to poppy for my taste. But the song is not bad, not bad at all, dude!
thanks man.
I was thinking about clean vocal for poppy part of song and for chorus (chords playing), growl or screaming in other parts. But any ideas will be very interesting.
What about the sound?