Rate My Mix - Nox Aeternum


Apr 23, 2009
Hey Guys, I just completed my first full length album which I self produced in my living room. I think it turned out pretty great sounding. Let me know your thoughts. I used only 1 mic on the cab. Let me know your thoughts or if you have any questions on the gear used....


This is some dark stuff dude, I dig it! As far as mixing goes, I think the kick has a little bit too much 'thud' to it, and in general the drums are pretty high in the mix. I'd love to hear what you used as far as guitars go though!
This is some dark stuff dude, I dig it! As far as mixing goes, I think the kick has a little bit too much 'thud' to it, and in general the drums are pretty high in the mix. I'd love to hear what you used as far as guitars go though!

Thanks man. For guitars I used an old Marshall DSL 100 and one sm58 on the cab backed off about 2 inches. No overdrive pedals...
Sounds really good. .

Children of Eucharist has a very strong Marduk vibe with Legion-esque style vocals! Nice work.
I preordered your album. Will a flac download be available?

It should be...If not just send me a message and I will shoot you a flac version. I uploaded uncompressed wave files to the bandcamp so the quality should be equal to flac with the download.
Sounds really good. The guitars have a nice tone and the kick punches through nicely. What did you record for drums?

Thanks man. I used Superior Drummer 2.0. Just the generic kit that comes with it just some EQ and compression on the bus. I do agree that the kit sits pretty high in the mix. I'm making some final adjustments now before the official release next week haha.
Just FYI, the whole album will be streaming in full tomorrow evening for anyone who is interested....