Rate my mix


New Metal Member
Jan 22, 2011
Hey everyone, I'm new to this forum and just want to say hello!
But also, I have recently bought some new equipment and this is the first time I have recorded with it. I know it might not exactly appeal to everyone, but I really just want to get your thoughts on how I've mixed and mastered it. I know it's still lacking a professional quality and would like to know what i can do to get it there!

Heres the recording:

Anyways, the recording was just done by me and a friend. we were lacking a vocalist so I just gave it a go so we could get the demo out. I'm less concerned with vocals right now and more concerned with the sound of the instruments.
The drums were mic'd and the guitars were recorded with a toneport ux8 and pod farm.
anyways, let me know what you think! any tips would be greatly appreciated! thanks!
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Actually the guitars are panned, although probably not right :P
I doubled up the lead guitar track, panning each track to about 50 right and 50 left
and than put the back up guitar in the center (along with the drums), what would you recommend when it comes to panning the guitars?

and than as for drums, they were all run into a mixer (7 piece mic set), but than because I was lacking the cables, I only had them on three tracks when it came to recording on the DAW.
One for the entire set, one for the snare, and one for the bass
yea i definitely want to look into get some sampled drums but don't have the money to put down for them just yet, so hopefully that will help!
and as for panning the guitars, would you recommend recording two takes of each part, lead and back up, and than panning them say at like 60 and 40? or is doing it a different way better?
Record the same part twice and then pan 100% L/R.
Or you could do 100% L/R & 90% L/R some people do it that way aswell.

For your drum samples do a search and you could find some free samples.
leaky24 said:
Record the same part twice and then pan 100% L/R.
Or you could do 100% L/R & 90% L/R some people do it that way aswell.

For your drum samples do a search and you could find some free samples.

Don't ppl usually do 100/80 L and R?
okay, thanks a lot everyone!
I'll try this in the future to see if it starts sounding any better!
and as for drum samples im looking SD2.0 and just want to try out the different digital triggers to see how they work