Oct 18, 2010
Gloucester, UK
ayup! just wanted some feedback on pretty much every aspect of this song XD

basically, what you think of the song...but more importantly, what do you think of the mix? i think it sounds great, but constructive criticism would be amazing right now! thanks alot :) p.s. ive not finshed writing the song yet, but this will give you an idea of what the production will sound like.
yeah, i realised i posted this in the wrong place and was gona delete it. but then i figured, if people have such a problem with me posting this in the wrong place, then they dont have to look at it do they, so its cool i guess.

uhm no it´s not cool, the whole "if they don´t like it they don´t have to look at it" attitude is pretty lame, please drop it. It´s ok if you put it in the wrong place of course, so this thread should probably be locked or deleted cause you already re-posted it