Rate the back catalogues of the following bands

Henrik Main

Aug 10, 2002
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Because I'm a tad bored.


1. Vikingligr Veldi
2. Eld
3. Frost
4. Hordanes Land and also the Yggdrasill demo
5. Blodhemn
6. Mardraum: Beyond The Within
7. Isa
8. Monumension
9. Below The Lights


1. Under A Funeral Moon
2. A Blaze In The Northern Sky
3. Total Death (Yes, shock, horror, I actually dig this)
4. Transilvanian Hunger
5. Soulside Journey
6. Sardonic Wrath
7. Panzerfaust
8. Hate Them
9. Plaguewielder
10. Goatlord
11. Ravishing Grimness


1. Quintessence
1. Empiricism
3. The Archaic Course
4. The Olden Domain
5. Borknagar
6. Epic


1. Dark Medieval Times
2. The Shadowthrone
3. Nemesis Divina
4. Rebel Extravaganza
5. Volcano

1. Vikingligr Veldi- 9/10
2. Eld- N/A
3. Frost- 9.5/10
4. Hordanes Land and also the Yggdrasill demo- 7/10
5. Blodhemn- N/A
6. Mardraum: Beyond The Within- cant remember this album
7. Isa- 8/10
8. Monumension- 7/10
9. Below The Lights- 8/10


1. Under A Funeral Moon- 9/10
2. A Blaze In The Northern Sky- 9.25/10
3. Total Death (Yes, shock, horror, I actually dig this)-7.75/10
4. Transilvanian Hunger- 666/10 (aka buy or die)
5. Soulside Journey- 7/10
6. Sardonic Wrath- 7.75/10
7. Panzerfaust- 9.80/10
8. Hate Them-7.25/10
9. Plaguewielder- 6.75/10
10. Goatlord- 7.75/10
11. Ravishing Grimness- 6/10


1. Quintessence-8.5/10
1. Empiricism-8/10
3. The Archaic Course-7.5/10
4. The Olden Domain-8/10
5. Borknagar-9.5/10
6. Epic-6/10


1. Dark Medieval Times-9/10
2. The Shadowthrone-9/10
3. Nemesis Divina-10/10
4. Rebel Extravaganza-6/10
5. Volcano-6/10 ( on a good day)

1. Vikingligr 8.5/10
2. Eld 9/10
5. Blodhemn 7/10
6. Mardraum 8.5/10
7. Isa 9/10
8. Monumension 8/10
9. Below The Lights 9/10

Borknagar: I'm not sure about the numerical ratings as I rarely listen to them, but the two Vortex albums and Olden Domain would probably be an 8 (a high 8 for Archaic), Empiricism a low 9, and Epic a 6.

1. Monumension
2. Below the Lights
3. Isa
4. Eld
5. Mardraum
6. Frost
7. Vikingligr Veldi
8. Blodhemn (haven't listened to enough)

1. A Blaze in the Northern Sky
2. Transilvanian Hunger
3. Under a Funeral Moon
4. Plagueweilder

1. The Archaic Curse
2. Epic (listened to it once, Marksveld sent it to me)
3. The Olden Domain
4. s/t
1,000. Quintessence

1. Dark Medieval Times
2. The Shadowthrone
3. Nemesis Divina
4. Volcano
Below The Lights 7/10

Transilvanian Hunger 6/10

Borknagar 8/10

Hmm.. okay. I'll do all of this in accord with what I've heard.

Enslaved (this is pretty much useless since all of their albums are either 9/10 or 10/10)
1) Vikingligr Veldi
2) Frost
3) Eld
4) Below the Lights
5) Hordanes Land / Isa

1) A Blaze in the Northern Sky
2) Transylvanian Hunger
3) Under a Funeral Moon

1) The Olden Domain
2) The Archaic Course
3) Empiricism / Epic
4) Borknagar
1000) Quintessence - BWD IS RIGHT, BITCHES
He said "rate", not rank.


1. Vikingligr Veldi 8/10
2. Eld 9/10
3. Frost 7/10
4. Hordanes Land and also the Yggdrasill demo 7/10
5. Blodhemn 4/10
6. Mardraum: Beyond The Within 5/10
7. Isa 6/10
8. Monumension 8/10
9. Below The Lights 6/10


1. Quintessence 8/10
1. Empiricism 4/10 (if Vortex sang instead of Sir Cheese-A-Lot, it would be better)
3. The Archaic Course 5/10
4. The Olden Domain 7/10
5. Borknagar 6/10
6. Epic 2/10 (nothing can save this POS)
J. said:

1. Quintessence 8/10
1. Empiricism 4/10 (if Vortex sang instead of Sir Cheese-A-Lot, it would be better)
3. The Archaic Course 5/10
4. The Olden Domain 7/10
5. Borknagar 6/10
6. Epic 2/10 (nothing can save this POS)

POS = Pain of Salvation? Yeah, it might as well be. :loco:
As J said, the topic says rate so that's what I'll do:


1. Vikingligr Veldi
2. Eld
3. Frost
4. Hordanes Land and also the Yggdrasill demo
5. Blodhemn
6. Mardraum: Beyond The Within 4/10 (yeah I suck, that's the only one I've heard)
7. Isa
8. Monumension
9. Below The Lights


1. Under A Funeral Moon 6/10
2. A Blaze In The Northern Sky
3. Total Death
4. Transilvanian Hunger 9/10
5. Soulside Journey
6. Sardonic Wrath 6,5/10
7. Panzerfaust 6/10
8. Hate Them 7/10
9. Plaguewielder
10. Goatlord
11. Ravishing Grimness

Haven't heard any of their albums, only some songs which made me not want to spend time on an entire album; though Voretx's whiny howling is enough to keep me away.


1. Dark Medieval Times 7/10
2. The Shadowthrone
3. Nemesis Divina 7/10
4. Rebel Extravaganza 7/10
5. Volcano

1. Vikingligr Veldi - 9/10
2. Eld - 8/10
3. Frost - 8/10
4. Hordanes Land and also the Yggdrasill demo 8/10 (although haven't listened to enough
7. Isa - 9/10
8. Monumension 7/10
9. Below The Lights 8/10


2. A Blaze In The Northern Sky - 8/10
4. Transilvanian Hunger - 10/10
6. Sardonic Wrath - 8/10
8. Hate Them - 7/10


The Olden Domain - 9/10


3. Nemesis Divina - 7.5/10
4. Rebel Extravaganza - 5/10
5. Volcano - 5/10

1. Vikingligr Veldi - 10/10
2. Eld - 9/10
3. Frost - 9/10
4. Hordanes Land and also the Yggdrasill demo - 9/10
5. Blodhemn - 8/10
6. Mardraum: Beyond The Within - 7/10
7. Isa - 7/10
8. Monumension - 7/10
9. Below The Lights - 7/10


1. Under A Funeral Moon - 8/10
2. A Blaze In The Northern Sky - 7/10
3. Total Death (Yes, shock, horror, I actually dig this) - 5/10
4. Transilvanian Hunger - 8/10
5. Soulside Journey - 7/10 (never really got into this as much as some people seemed to)
6. Sardonic Wrath - Not heard.
7. Panzerfaust - Heard, but was utterly forgettable so I can't remember what I thought of it.
8. Hate Them - Not heard.
9. Plaguewielder - Not heard.
10. Goatlord - Not heard.
11. Ravishing Grimness - -5290/10. Tripe.

Other than a couple of songs a few years ago, I've never heard Borknagar, and the only Satyricon I've heard is the The Forest is My Throne/Yggdrasill split and Mother North :blush:

1. Vikingligr Veldi - 10/10
2. Eld - 9/10
3. Frost - 8.5/10
4. Hordanes Land and also the Yggdrasill demo - 8/10
5. Blodhemn 7/10
6. Mardraum: Beyond The Within 7/10
7. Isa - 6.5/10
8. Monumension - 6/10
9. Below The Lights - 5/10


1. Under A Funeral Moon - 10/10
2. A Blaze In The Northern Sky - 9.5/10
3. Total Death - 9/10
4. Transilvanian Hunger - 8.5/10
5. Soulside Journey - 8/10
6. Sardonic Wrath - 7/10
7. Panzerfaust - 6.5/10
8. Hate Them - 6/10
9. Plaguewielder 5.5/10
10. Goatlord - 5.5/10
11. Ravishing Grimness 5/10


1. Quintessence 10/10
2. Empiricism 10/10
3. The Archaic Course 8/10
4. The Olden Domain 7.5/10
5. Borknagar 7/10
6. Epic 6/10


1. Dark Medieval Times 10/10
2. The Shadowthrone 7.5/10
3. Nemesis Divina 7/10
4. Rebel Extravaganza 5/10
5. Volcano 4.5/10
Erik said:
1. S/T

Alright, bullshit. I'm going to send you a CD-R of "The Olden Domain" or "The Archaic Course" because they sound nothing like the s/t, but they still are totally fucking awesome. I can see you enjoying them veeery much. I WILL TURN YOU INTO SUPARBORKNAGARWINFANBOI#1
Interesting. I thought I was the only one who thought "Isa" was just above average (6-7/10), but obviously not.

If anything, it's probably the most overrated album of the last 2 or 3 years. Throw the Enslaved stamp on it and people go buy it.

Had I heard it in 2004, it would have probably been my 'most disappointing release', but "Epic" is right up there with it anyway. Both Ok albums, certainly not close to 90% of their previous catalog.

I think Enslaved have lost the plot to be honest. Now just being prog for the sake of prog.

1. Vikingligr Veldi 8.5/10
2. Eld 7.5/10
3. Frost 8/10
4. Hordanes Land and also the Yggdrasill demo 8/10
5. Blodhemn 7.5/10
6. Mardraum: Beyond The Within 6.5/10
7. Isa 7/10
8. Monumension (can't remember)
9. Below The Lights 5/10


1. Under A Funeral Moon 9.5/10
2. A Blaze In The Northern Sky 8/10
3. Total Death 7/10
4. Transilvanian Hunger 10/10
5. Soulside Journey 7/10
6. Sardonic Wrath 7/10
7. Panzerfaust 8/10
8. Hate Them 6.5/10
9. Plaguewielder 5/10
10. Goatlord 4/10
11. Ravishing Grimness 5/10


1. Quintessence 5/10
1. Empiricism 6/10
3. The Archaic Course 7/10
4. The Olden Domain 7/10
5. Borknagar 8/10
6. Epic 4/10


1. Dark Medieval Times 8/10
2. The Shadowthrone 9/10
3. Nemesis Divina 6.5/10
4. Rebel Extravaganza 4/10
5. Volcano 3/10