Rate this hardcore/metal mix (w/o vocals for now)


New Metal Member
Jan 22, 2009
Click here to download/listen to the song.

Trying to get a nice mix for this hardcore'ish metalsong from a friend's band.
Guitars and bass were recorded with a Line6 Toneport so no DI's or anything, unfortunately.
Bassdrum and snare are replaced (bassdrum fully, snare 60%)

Need help on how to make this mix come alive! Now it's just loud and unbalanced I feel.

Disclaimer: I am an amateur at this kind of work, obviously, but it's fun to do and hope to learn alot from you guys!

Thank you for listening :headbang:
My 2 cents :

-the intro with those guitars sounds meh, but that's more a songwriting issue i guess
-you have to Eq that bass dude and/or lower it a bit (volume-wise) ! it seems too loud in the mix, and it sounds a bit annoying
-cymbals/hi hat/ride seem a tad too loud
-less gain with guitars maybe