Rate this mix/master! (Post-hardcore / metalcore)

Toms don't sound great. I assume the obvious auto-tune is the effect you're going for. Guitars could use more high-end, but that's all personal preference dude.

Not sure what you're looking for.
The cymbals are definitely overpowering the mix just a hair, but only on some parts, try automating down in places.

The edits are tight which is really half the battle! love the vocal effect around 2/3 rds of the way through.
overall not bad!
snare is thin/dry/small/too loud/shitty :) Fix that and you'll be in the ballpark
Nice stuff brother, I really like when it goes into the clean vocal melody. Screaming is good also, I've always enjoyed screaming in songs when it leads into a clean vocal melody. I guess its like a choas into order kind of thing :)

I liked all the panning stuff also, nice sounding mix

if I had to critic anything I would say the screams and the snare sound a little "dry" in some places but thats all personal, its not enough for me to not to rock out to the mix.

The snare does sound like poop, and I actually thought the dryness of the screams was pretty cool. It seems to be a pretty common thing in this genre to have a "small room" feeling to the screams, like the vocalist is standing in the control room.

But yeah, go for a snare that has some body and an actual tail. Then mix it in some more. You're going for a "crack" + "boom", not "pop" + cardboard.
1.) Drums sound very fake
2.) Cymbals too loud
3.) For me, the bass should go up a tad (just personal preference)
4.) Dry and Thin drums, maybe beefin' it up a wee bit and add some verb!
5.)Kick too clicky, needs more bottom end thump.

Pretty good
Obvious autotune in the cleans, hehe.

There's a bit too much high-end going on, or is that just my taste? A bit more audible bass guitar could do.