Rate This Mix / Tone! Death-Core 5150/Slate Content


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas
So ....

As I stated on Friday I got called by a local band for a session to do a 3 song demo. After rushing to CG to pick up a set of overheads in a pinch I ran over to set up.

The drummer worked fast setting up his kit and we did a bit of a rush job on mic placement cause we decided to use Trigger to sound replace the kicks. His cymbal setup was a bit unorthodox and the OH's are a little "right" heavy due to this. I picked up a set of Sterling Audio ST-31's for $100 i think they worked all right.

I also picked up some V30s this week for my Marshall cab and the tonal improvement on guitars was AMAZING! The guitars are my 71 Les Paul with Passive Duncans into a TS > 5150. I recorded a DI through my new Countryman just in case :) But I think the tone we got on the 1st try really works.

Bass guitar is an Ibanez 5 String run through Pod Farm with the "Sub" Line 6 amp and a TS plugin for some grit.

Vocals were done with a Sennheiser e835.

Please feel free to critique and be as critical is you like :)

There is still some minor drum editing to do but this is about 5 hours work :)

The mix sounds good so far. I think it's rather the performance that bugs me. Maybe do the drum editing and then post the mix again...will be better to judge then. ;)

But so far the mix is good (considering it's only supposed to be a demo anyway).
the guitar players dont deliver teh br00tz on the palm mutes I think :lol: sounds washy somehow
you could try to bring bass and guitars a bit closer if you know what I mean
theres also timing issues with the guitars I think.
vocals sound good to me though
I think the mix needs more bass guitar to help fill things out. It doesn't sound very "full" or maybe the bass just needs more lows
How to the cymbals sound. I think I got the 2 oh mics to close to each other and I don't have enough stereo spread :(

agreed. don't be afraid to get pretty close to the cymbals too. did you compress your overheads? sounds like you need to do something to tame the dynamics a bit. weather it be compression, or limiting to kill the snare transient and just bringing the faders up a bit. there are times when it feels like there are no cymbals at all.
The click sounds to snappy. I would leave the low end in the kick. Because i read in a previous thread you cut the low end out. I don't know how you record guitars to unedited drums. I edit the drums to perfection before i record anything else. That just seems to work for me. The OH's sound good to me. Turn them up! The snare is way to dry for my taste. I know you use slate so snare 11a or snare 12 are good beefy snares. The guitars are good. A tiny pit scratchy to me and kind of far back in the mix. I think drum editing will really enhance this mix

Vocals are really dry to. Boost some highs :)
Andys setting of course :)

Only difference really was the TS settings and the amp running at 1/2 power :)

TS settings were
Gain 9:00
Tone: 1:00
Level: 3:00

The Les Paul has passives so I tend to drive the level a bit more to slam the preamp a little harder :)