
Apr 5, 2004
Here are some suggestions that if followed will make this thread run very smoothly

1. One video per post
2. Keep chit-chat to a minimum
3. Please don't skip over any songs. All songs deserve a rating.
4. Rate videos 1-10; keep all reviews short
5. Try to play all youtube clips at highest video quality setting possible, it' makes a diff, even with metal
6. Don't quote videos!! That will make the page load slower. Use up arrows or say the name of the song you are rating instead

This isn't a game thread, so don't close it! now lets have fun discovering new music!

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redo your post, brah
listen to what I posted and rate it 1 out of 10 then post a youtube clip of what you're listening to


I rate that devil driver video 6.5/10 . post the fucking youtube video next time you reply

no, this thread idea hasn't been done before, but i did accidentally make the thread twice today. I tried deleting the other thread, but um denied me, so it's stuck on the first page, for now.

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Cool thread idea.

7.5/10 for your song. Pretty good, but a little long for what it is.

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8/10 for forrest of fog. That was awesome

6/10 medical examiners song. Would have given higher if it wasn't for those bad vocals

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I give it a 5/10.
Not terrible, but didn't catch my attention either.
There is such a thing as too much snare drum in a song.

Beautiful Death by Wintersun
Not really my style, but an enjoyable listen nontheless.

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billy100002: 6/10, not too big on industrial black metal, always found it too exhausting in a way, but that was pretty cool and more melodic than a lot of other industrial bm

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^^ 8/10
dream theater song was sweet
I have to give them another shot now

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Shitty vocals, great everything else. (This was directed to failure)

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