Rats - Opeth postponed


Steal Your Face
Feb 18, 2003
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Well, the Opeth SF gig was postponed owing to Visa trouble. My first reaction is, "shyte," but my second is, "Hmmm, maybe this means will get Opeth with Nevermore afterall.....hehe."

Pelican was the band scheduled to open for them. Fingers crossed.

This hasn't been the Bay Area's best luck time for shows. NIN was rescheduled a week or so ago.

Ah well.
Yeah, it's a sticky wicket. I live in California, and the people simultaneously need the illegal imigrants and dislike them. The farms here couldn't get by without the cheap labor, but people always bitch. It's a real double edged sword. For my part, I feel for the imigrants, we let them come in so we can pay them squat and treat them like crap.

I see you are in Arizona, Trans. I lived in Tucson for about 8 years, so I know the scene there too. Incidentally, Phoenix was one of the Opeth shows cancelled, or postponed anyway. We'll see.
Sticky-wicket indeed.

I'll say this; just about every "illegal" I ever worked with showed up on time, performed admirably, and never had a complaint. If I was a rural land owner or manufacturer, I'd hire them on those merits alone. The fact they work cheap, notwithstanding. :D

NP: Opeth - Ghost Reveries