raw song and some loooud amps


I are Joe
Nov 2, 2009
Wales, United Kingdom
If I had a drummer I would've used him but here's what I got

have a listen and tell me of any problems
I think the cleans towards the end of the intro need cleaning up but I'm not sure yet, I want it really vibey :D

There will be vocals on this but no lyrics or anything as of yet so that should be done in a couple of days.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2872916/Song done question.mp3

edit: and fuck me that ride is too loud :lol:
ummm , I think it was a vox cab out of the Guitar rig LE version :D
but for the non distorted bass its just my bass (squire jazz bass) EQ'ing out some of the highs and around 500hz and then proceeding to annihilate it with compression