Razing Arizona

What shall thy propose?

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I fucking hate the pussy comment that people bring up. "They were here first" or, "We took it from them"
That also goes along with what people says about the indians.
Stop being such a pussy!
Yes we took the entire country! But now it's fucking ours! The United States of America! Arizona is part of that. We have a constitution and laws. They are here illegally. They need to get the fuck out!
It's not fucking racist! God dammit!
and if they are so proud of Mexico and being Mexican, well go the fuck back!
You can always recognize insightful commentary by the number of exclamation points and profanities.
Finally, let's face it, you standing up for a potentially racist bill and claiming it's not racist, has as much credibility as Tiger Woods at a fidelity conference.

I couldn't care less who originally pushed the bill up the ladder, I'm just glad that some sensibility has been restored. Now here's to hoping the AZ state legislature doesn't tuck a churro between their legs and cower. If this bill goes through, Texas may follow suit, and the salmon which swim up the Rio Grande may finally be able to mate without being bludgeoned by brownish oars impetuously doing the 200m breast stroke towards prosperous embankments!

Greg, in all earnestness, with our unemployment rate & escalating levies, what positive do these persons of low worth provide?
Greg, in all earnestness, with our unemployment rate & escalating levies, what positive do these persons of low worth provide?
Jerry... I'm not sure that the macro economic ramifications of illegal labor on our economy are fully understood by anyone. And I'm certainly not suggesting I understand them. American companies aren't hiring illegals for no reason whatsoever. They're not doing so just to stick it to American workers. They're doing so because illegal labor means a substantial cost savings to them. If we could all of a sudden remove all illegals, with the wave of a wand, and repopulate all those jobs with American workers, making American wages and receiving applicable benefits, what impact would that have to the cost of goods? How much more would a trip to the grocery store cost? Would hard working American families, who are currently struggling to put food on the table, be able to do so anymore? How would it impact working mothers, now reliant on illegal nannys? Perhaps you have no sympathy for these folks, as they're employing illegals, but the fact of the matter is, many may be doing so because they can't afford other options. These are just a few examples. Ultimately, there's a domino effect when you remove all cheap labor from an economy.

In the end, anyone who supports this legislation is just fooling themselves. It's tantamount to fighting the drug war by only going after people who are buying dime bags. It's beyond silly. If there are jobs here and none in Mexico, Mexicans will continue to come here. And the reality is, if it was the only way for you to feed your family, you would too. If you're serious about stopping immigration, start jailing CEOs who employ them; 5 years in a maximum security prison. You pass that law and no illegal will ever work in this country again. Until then, we're just kidding ourselves. And why won't we pass that law? That would mean rich white guys would go to jail, not poor brown ones. And that's not something we do here.