RC people = supar postars!!!!!!!!!1111

Kayo Dot sounds like some cutesy Japanese anime :confused:

I bunked off revising for Tuesday's exam to read more of my Marmalade Boy manga :) so cool. I want more! :D
It appears I finally broke into the double digits in the Posts Per Day column. I shall now live large as a super star.
I'm on the first page now, I think I passed JayKeeley today. Fuck.

I would feel like a total loser if 85% of my posts weren't made while at work, but for the first time I almost feel bad for getting paid while fucking around most of the day. Then again I bid an $150,000 job over the last 2 days which is more than I've made here in the past 4 years.
What is this, a peepee contest? :p

Some forums I've seen people that really do wave their post count around like it makes them more knowledgeable or something, this can be especially true on car forums. I always equated more posts to having more time on one's hands, like myself.
Erik said:



Waving your b1g flashy wang around... :loco:

And yes, Vinland IS in my basement!

I wish I had a basement...