Re-amping quote request


Sep 16, 2009
Tallahasse, FL. USA
I know quite a lot of you guys have the ability do to re-amping. I have 1 song I'd like to have re-amped at this point. The amp sims are good but I'd love to hear real amps on this.

Here's a little snippet of a pre-production rough mix: Vox Mix.mp3

Some parts are quad tracked. I believe in total there are 9 tracks of guitar because of clean parts etc.

We're looking for a pretty aggressive tone. Please pm me rates or respond in this thread.

Thanks very much.
post up some DI's for people to practice re-amping, see if you think any of them will work and if not contact someone who charges, you may well get a free re-amp you love!
That's a good thought. I'll probably do that Friday as I'm waiting for a new power supply for my DAW pc. 3 months and a $160 850 watt Zalman popped!
Was this posted on here before? Sounds really familiar. Great song !

Hey thanks! I did post this p to rate my mix for some help on it. Perhaps you heard it there.

I've got the vocals recorded. Waitning for the reamp files to be returned to me and I'll post the finished product for approval.

Thanks for listening!