Re introduction


In memory of Chuck
May 2, 2001
Corner Brook Canada
Well I began posting here 7 years ago when she was a wee little forum with just a few bands and new it's grown out of control :rock:

Anyway I've been gone on other music explorations in the last few years but since i've been of the weed i've started to get back into the metal scene and also decided to try out this introduce yourself thing.

Me name is Glen O'Keefe I comes from Newfoundland, Canada. Any of you who have done some research on Vikings will know that Newfoundland had a few small settlements of vikings on their many travels which have always intriuged me and eventually got me into metal in a weird way. All Newfoundlanders unlike the rest of canada are diirect decendants of england, ireland, and scotland and because it's such a small island we have almost kept that life style more so than the original countries themselves. Very unique little place from the rest of the world.

Anyway I've played,managed, promoted, recorded, completely destroyed a few bands in the last 7 years.

One was called Wars of Winter ... ancient posters around here probably know it (back then it was cool and accepted to promote your band on any forum at anytime, if your band was good anyway :goggly:)

Another was called Polluted Evolution

and the most recent was called Oceanic

so anyway im back again to be controversially posting for a while until I get pisssed off with all the flashy 'satanistic' wannabe's that are in actual fact no different than britney spears and go back to real genuine music and real musicians

Ok good bye