Re-recorded an old song of my bands

As of a couple of days ago, looks like my band is going again after a long hiatus :kickass: Should be recording the new vocalist at the weekend so I just thought I'd go over some old songs to break him in. This song is something I wrote when I was like 16 - so I'm well aware I can write better songs before someone comments!

Right now guitars are just using a PodXT, and I intend on editing and reamping at some point. I'm pretty happy with the drum sound so far - what do you guys think?

Wasteland Demo Mix 1

EDIT:A Song With Vocals: Colours & Noise
Cheers, yeah the kick is pretty clicky, I boosed quite a lot on 60 cycles, I could probably do a bit more and lower the clickyness somewhat too. Part of me likes it though, although I think I'd benefit from more low end.

Vocals will be up on Saturday, I'll try and post some other songs up too maybe before then who knows?

Cheers for listening man!
OK, updated the clip a bit: dropped some of the high end off the click, boosted some more lows into it, and blended in a bassier sample at about 30%. Also fixed up the overheads, and done the edits on the guitar and bass tracks.

Same link: Wasteland

Any more opinions? Maybe I'll get some more feedback when there are vocals on it.
OK, things didn't quite go to plan today, instead we recorded a new set of lyrics for a new song. Hopefully the mix isn't too different so its comparable! The newer songs are much more thrash metal, so I have adapted the mix in places to fit.

I love tracking this guy for vocals, knows exactly what he's doing haha.

What do you guys reckon?

Colours & Noise
Tunes sound cool man! Whats your band called, and where based etc? The vocal harmonies could be done with being turned up, and vocals up a little bit. Im only on headphones, but especially when they are panned, they seem a little week. Other then that sound wicked man.
Cheers for the comments guys, I'll try and work on that. Got a band in the studio all week, so it may take a while.

Leper: The band is Machinate, we haven't really done a lot recently but we are trying to get things moving again. We are all based around Milton Keynes (although a couple of us are at uni around the country now).