Old Belie My Burial Song re-done


Nov 20, 2009
Hey everyone i am the drummer from Belie My Burial. We just redid an old song (kinda boring song ha) for fun in my studio wanted to try out reamping with the 1st gen 5150. mixed with the the 3rd gen 5150. Everything is edited and quantized to the grid. Im kinda new to this so please give me any feedback that you can! thanks, -brette- ps if you can listen through studio monitors it sounds best through them.

https://dl.dropbox.com/u/3175304/real rough finish him.mp3
thanks for the input! yeah im trying the "more full" guitar tone and have tried many things. i usually copy each left and right guitar to a seperate track and compress the hell out of them and put those under the main guitars but still i need something to boost their fullness.
guitars are far too scooped imo and too wide. the vocals are a little too present. maybe bring them down a tad.
well tbh i was listening with headphones, they just seemed really far spread to me. like u used a widener on them.
thanks for the input! yeah im trying the "more full" guitar tone and have tried many things. i usually copy each left and right guitar to a seperate track and compress the hell out of them and put those under the main guitars but still i need something to boost their fullness.

ok. I'm not sure, but i don't think you even need to compress parts of your guitars track at all. a dialed in good tone on your 5150 with some eq afterwards should do the job bro! people tend to compress just the bass in guitars with a multiband compressor like c4.
btw, which cab did you use?
Definately sounds better than the old recording :p

The guitar tone does sound fairly scooped to me too.

The guitar tone has a sort of room-y sound to it, like it was mic'd from fairly far away, but that actually might be to do with the mids, as it just sort of sounds a little bit empty.

The bass sounds like it could do with a bit less extreme low end, and a bit more mid. Is the bass distorted? I can't really tell as I can only really hear the extreme low-ness. If it is distorted, then maybe just change the EQ a bit so it sort of gels with the guitars more, as at the moment it sounds like they're completely seperate and there's a big gap in the middle.

Vocals are quite a bit too loud in my opinion. They also sound pretty dry, I'd personally add a bit of reverb in there (not loads) just to give them a little bit of a tail, as at the moment it sounds like a fairly violent cut-off when they finish. If there's already reverb, maybe a bigger sounding reverb with a slightly longer reverb time.

Kick is a bit too clicky for my tastes, I'd personally make the clicky-ness slightly less high frequency-wise. It does cut through well like this, but sort of lacks power in a way.

Everything else sounds sweet dude!
man, i loved the EP! paper idol's intense beat down and ridiculous bass drops just made me fall in love with it! it was also really loud too, don't know how you managed that.. haha. anyways,

the drum mix is pretty good, not really sure about the snare though. it sounds.. strange.. sorry i can't be more specific.. :|

the guitar sound isn't too hot either, it's pretty boxy.. it's a hard thing to hear when you're doing the mic'ing, and post EQ'ing can't really help, i find..

i'm not sure on the stereo widener on the master bus, too.

finally, the bass drops are really pushing your master way too much! by the time the sine wave gets to about 15Hz, all the low end is pushed out of the mix, and the bass drop is out of audible range, so you're just hearing the mix with a high pass at like 200hz, which then suddenly comes back when the bass drop finishes.. you'll need to rework the multiband compression on the master bus if you're to make them work as well as they did on the EP.

good song though, and it's good to hear something new (or.. old?) from Belie My Burial! :D

ok. I'm not sure, but i don't think you even need to compress parts of your guitars track at all. a dialed in good tone on your 5150 with some eq afterwards should do the job bro! people tend to compress just the bass in guitars with a multiband compressor like c4.
btw, which cab did you use?

i was looking at multiband compressors probably going to pick one up soon.
but i just used a krank 4x12 (i painted the inside of the cab orange hah:loco:)
Definately sounds better than the old recording :p

The guitar tone does sound fairly scooped to me too.

The guitar tone has a sort of room-y sound to it, like it was mic'd from fairly far away, but that actually might be to do with the mids, as it just sort of sounds a little bit empty.

The bass sounds like it could do with a bit less extreme low end, and a bit more mid. Is the bass distorted? I can't really tell as I can only really hear the extreme low-ness. If it is distorted, then maybe just change the EQ a bit so it sort of gels with the guitars more, as at the moment it sounds like they're completely seperate and there's a big gap in the middle.

Vocals are quite a bit too loud in my opinion. They also sound pretty dry, I'd personally add a bit of reverb in there (not loads) just to give them a little bit of a tail, as at the moment it sounds like a fairly violent cut-off when they finish. If there's already reverb, maybe a bigger sounding reverb with a slightly longer reverb time.

Kick is a bit too clicky for my tastes, I'd personally make the clicky-ness slightly less high frequency-wise. It does cut through well like this, but sort of lacks power in a way.

Everything else sounds sweet dude!

going to work on the guitars, i used a 57 right on the cone and a rode nt1-A from like a foot away. that too far?
i ran a sans amp with the bass but ill try to mess with the eq a bit to blend it.
and with the vocals i added a bit of reverb but when i listened through my computer speakers i noticed the reverb almost sounded gone so i def have to bump that up a bit.
Ill re eq the kick a bit when i get rid of some of the low end of the bass so the low end frequency of the bd is more powerful

thanks for the advice!!
man, i loved the EP! paper idol's intense beat down and ridiculous bass drops just made me fall in love with it! it was also really loud too, don't know how you managed that.. haha. anyways,

the drum mix is pretty good, not really sure about the snare though. it sounds.. strange.. sorry i can't be more specific.. :|

the guitar sound isn't too hot either, it's pretty boxy.. it's a hard thing to hear when you're doing the mic'ing, and post EQ'ing can't really help, i find..

i'm not sure on the stereo widener on the master bus, too.

finally, the bass drops are really pushing your master way too much! by the time the sine wave gets to about 15Hz, all the low end is pushed out of the mix, and the bass drop is out of audible range, so you're just hearing the mix with a high pass at like 200hz, which then suddenly comes back when the bass drop finishes.. you'll need to rework the multiband compression on the master bus if you're to make them work as well as they did on the EP.

good song though, and it's good to hear something new (or.. old?) from Belie My Burial! :D


its always hard for me to get that good mic positioning because im alone so i never can listen and really tweak mic positioning very well.
but the stereo widner isnt too great it sounds strange im going to take it off for sure.
but yeah im pumped you heard of my band! were actually going to record our full length in about a month on siege of amida records ! so im pretty stokedd!!
updated mix with guitars a bit less scooped, bass drum a bit less clicky, bass guitar more matching guitar eq wise, stereo widener off the entire mix, bass drops dont drop out the low end at least through my speakers so let me know when you listen through yours, vocals down a bit and some more reverb so let me know what you think of this vs the first mix

https://dl.dropbox.com/u/3175304/new finish him.mp3
I'd say the guitars still sound a bit boxy and slightly distant... How much of the room mic are you mxing in there compared to the close mic? I'd also say that now they sound really dark... Could do with a bit more presence...

Vocals sound a lot better though dude!

Who you guys doing your full length with? Looking forward to it man!
well im using mainly the close mic but im probably going to have to re reamp it because its gettin hard to mess with eq when i think the problem is mic placement and the amp settings maybe need a little adjustment.
but im not too too sure about our full length but hopefully if hes not booked dave otero (he did new breathing process) or maybe the dude we did our ep with and getting it mixed and mastered by john mitchell (did architects cd)